
This page was generated from amortized_lda.ipynb. Interactive online version: Colab badge. Some tutorial content may look better in light mode.

Topic Modeling with Amortized LDA#

In this tutorial, we will explore how to run the amortized Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model implementation in scvi-tools. LDA is a topic modelling method first introduced in the natural language processing field. By treating each cell as a document and each gene expression count as a word, we can carry over the method to the single-cell biology field.

Below, we will train the model over a dataset, plot the topics over a UMAP of the reference set, and inspect the topics for characteristic gene sets.

As an example, we use the PBMC 10K dataset from 10x Genomics.

[ ]:
!pip install --quiet scvi-colab
from scvi_colab import install

import os

import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
import scvi
sc.set_figure_params(figsize=(4, 4))

%config InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs={'facecolor' : "w"}
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
Global seed set to 0
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/numba/np/ufunc/ NumbaWarning: The TBB threading layer requires TBB version 2019.5 or later i.e., TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION >= 11005. Found TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION = 9107. The TBB threading layer is disabled.

Load and process data#

Load the 10x genomics PBMC dataset. Generally, it is good practice for LDA to remove ubiquitous genes, to prevent the model from modeling these genes as a separate topic. Here, we first filter out all mitochrondrial genes, then select the top 1000 variable genes with seurat_v3 method from the remaining genes.

save_path = "data"
adata =
    os.path.join(save_path, "pbmc_10k_protein_v3.h5ad"),

adata.layers["counts"] = adata.X.copy()  # preserve counts
sc.pp.normalize_total(adata, target_sum=10e4)
adata.raw = adata  # freeze the state in `.raw`

adata = adata[:, ~adata.var_names.str.startswith("MT-")]
    adata, flavor="seurat_v3", layer="counts", n_top_genes=1000, subset=True
Trying to set attribute `._uns` of view, copying.

Create and fit AmortizedLDA model#

Here, we initialize and fit an AmortizedLDA model on the dataset. We pick 10 topics to model in this case.

n_topics = 10

scvi.model.AmortizedLDA.setup_anndata(adata, layer="counts")
model = scvi.model.AmortizedLDA(adata, n_topics=n_topics)


By default we train with KL annealing which means the effective loss will generally not decrease steadily in the beginning. Our Pyro implementations present this train loss term as the elbo_train in the progress bar which is misleading. We plan on correcting this in the future.

GPU available: True, used: True
TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/ UserWarning: You passed in a `val_dataloader` but have no `validation_step`. Skipping val loop.
  rank_zero_warn("You passed in a `val_dataloader` but have no `validation_step`. Skipping val loop.")
Epoch 1000/1000: 100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [12:06<00:00,  1.38it/s, v_num=1, elbo_train=1.87e+7]

Visualizing learned topics#

By calling model.get_latent_representation(), the model will compute a Monte Carlo estimate of the topic proportions for each cell. Since we use a logistic-Normal distribution to approximate the Dirichlet distribution, the model cannot compute the analytic mean. The number of samples used to compute the latent representation can be configured with the optional argument n_samples.

topic_prop = model.get_latent_representation()
topic_0 topic_1 topic_2 topic_3 topic_4 topic_5 topic_6 topic_7 topic_8 topic_9
AAACCCAAGATTGTGA-1 0.000474 0.021273 0.116839 0.005243 0.000534 0.852167 0.000484 0.001973 0.000373 0.000640
AAACCCACATCGGTTA-1 0.000340 0.005373 0.000217 0.000532 0.000214 0.992013 0.000402 0.000553 0.000161 0.000195
AAACCCAGTACCGCGT-1 0.002523 0.018910 0.602798 0.011032 0.002445 0.356765 0.002098 0.001950 0.000712 0.000767
AAACCCAGTATCGAAA-1 0.011468 0.004124 0.003098 0.004504 0.006355 0.002744 0.003459 0.003941 0.004475 0.955833
AAACCCAGTCGTCATA-1 0.000981 0.000920 0.000645 0.000751 0.001073 0.000595 0.000921 0.000838 0.000661 0.992613
# Save topic proportions in obsm and obs columns.
adata.obsm["X_LDA"] = topic_prop
for i in range(n_topics):
    adata.obs[f"LDA_topic_{i}"] = topic_prop[[f"topic_{i}"]]

Plot UMAP#

[9]:, svd_solver="arpack")
sc.pp.neighbors(adata, n_pcs=30, n_neighbors=20), key_added="leiden_scVI", resolution=0.8)

# Save UMAP to custom .obsm field.
adata.obsm["raw_counts_umap"] = adata.obsm["X_umap"].copy()
[10]:, "raw_counts_umap", color=["leiden_scVI"], frameon=False)

Color UMAP by topic proportions#

By coloring by UMAP by topic proportions, we find that the learned topics are generally dominant in cells close together in the UMAP space. In some cases, a topic is dominant in multiple clusters in the UMAP, which indicates similarilty between these clusters despite being far apart in the plot. This is not surprising considering that UMAP does not preserve local relationships beyond a certain threshold.

    color=[f"LDA_topic_{i}" for i in range(n_topics)],

Plot UMAP in topic space#

sc.pp.neighbors(adata, use_rep="X_LDA", n_neighbors=20, metric="hellinger")

# Save UMAP to custom .obsm field.
adata.obsm["topic_space_umap"] = adata.obsm["X_umap"].copy()
    color=[f"LDA_topic_{i}" for i in range(n_topics)],

Find top genes per topic#

Similar to the topic proportions, model.get_feature_by_topic() returns a Monte Carlo estimate of the gene by topic matrix, which contains the proportion that a gene is weighted in each topic. This is also due to another approximation of the Dirichlet with a logistic-Normal distribution. We can inspect each topic in this matrix and sort by proportion allocated to each gene to determine top genes characterizing each topic.

feature_by_topic = model.get_feature_by_topic()
topic_0 topic_1 topic_2 topic_3 topic_4 topic_5 topic_6 topic_7 topic_8 topic_9
AL645608.8 0.000001 0.000003 0.000002 0.000002 0.000041 3.110339e-06 0.000005 0.000003 0.000004 0.000002
HES4 0.000008 0.000013 0.000008 0.000019 0.000843 8.526634e-06 0.000005 0.000012 0.000009 0.000006
ISG15 0.001131 0.000169 0.000402 0.000596 0.000610 2.966939e-04 0.001417 0.000501 0.000305 0.001375
TNFRSF18 0.000296 0.000003 0.000001 0.000002 0.000004 9.796551e-07 0.000553 0.000006 0.000025 0.000132
TNFRSF4 0.000667 0.000004 0.000001 0.000004 0.000004 1.897183e-06 0.000922 0.000004 0.000006 0.000059
rank_by_topic = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(n_topics):
    topic_name = f"topic_{i}"
    topic = feature_by_topic[topic_name].sort_values(ascending=False)
    rank_by_topic[topic_name] = topic.index
    rank_by_topic[f"{topic_name}_prop"] = topic.values
topic_0 topic_0_prop topic_1 topic_1_prop topic_2 topic_2_prop topic_3 topic_3_prop topic_4 topic_4_prop topic_5 topic_5_prop topic_6 topic_6_prop topic_7 topic_7_prop topic_8 topic_8_prop topic_9 topic_9_prop
0 TMSB4X 0.126198 LYZ 0.071308 LYZ 0.056180 FTL 0.068417 FTL 0.098839 S100A9 0.133041 ACTB 0.164749 CD74 0.122255 IGKC 0.189100 ACTB 0.090690
1 TMSB10 0.086073 ACTB 0.071091 S100A9 0.053984 FTH1 0.051274 ACTB 0.070052 S100A8 0.094452 TMSB4X 0.132325 HLA-DRA 0.089028 IGLC2 0.099806 TMSB4X 0.088525
2 ACTB 0.084189 HLA-DRA 0.040470 FTH1 0.050848 ACTB 0.047326 TMSB4X 0.059721 LYZ 0.056391 TMSB10 0.082519 TMSB4X 0.059973 IGHA1 0.065741 GNLY 0.069525
3 JUNB 0.035964 CD74 0.036424 FTL 0.050564 TMSB4X 0.043904 FTH1 0.057384 FTL 0.044824 ACTG1 0.055351 ACTB 0.055289 IGHM 0.046249 NKG7 0.052817
4 FTL 0.028489 TMSB4X 0.035223 ACTB 0.034482 LYZ 0.040371 S100A4 0.029948 ACTB 0.039486 S100A4 0.037912 HLA-DRB1 0.050972 CD74 0.045520 TMSB10 0.040158