ScBasset: Analyzing scATACseq data#


SCBASSET’s development is still in progress. The current version may not fully reproduce the original implementation’s results.

!pip install --quiet scvi-colab
from scvi_colab import install

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import muon
import numpy as np
import scanpy as sc
import scvi
import seaborn as sns
scvi.settings.seed = 0

sc.set_figure_params(figsize=(4, 4), frameon=False)

%config InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs={'facecolor' : "w"}
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'

Loading data and preprocessing#

Throughout this tutorial, we use sample multiome data from 10X of 10K PBMCs.

url = ""
mdata = muon.read_10x_h5("data/multiome10k.h5mu", backup_url=url)
Added `interval` annotation for features from data/multiome10k.h5mu
MuData object with n_obs × n_vars = 10970 × 148344
  var:	'gene_ids', 'feature_types', 'genome', 'interval'
  2 modalities
    rna:	10970 x 36601
      var:	'gene_ids', 'feature_types', 'genome', 'interval'
    atac:	10970 x 111743
      var:	'gene_ids', 'feature_types', 'genome', 'interval'
adata = mdata.mod["atac"]

We can use scanpy functions to handle, filter, and manipulate the data. In our case, we might want to filter out peaks that are rarely detected, to make the model train faster:

# compute the threshold: 5% of the cells
min_cells = int(adata.shape[0] * 0.05)
# in-place filtering of regions
sc.pp.filter_genes(adata, min_cells=min_cells)
(10970, 111743)
(10970, 37054)
gene_ids feature_types genome interval n_cells
chr1:629395-630394 chr1:629395-630394 Peaks GRCh38 chr1:629395-630394 1422
chr1:633578-634591 chr1:633578-634591 Peaks GRCh38 chr1:633578-634591 4536
chr1:778283-779200 chr1:778283-779200 Peaks GRCh38 chr1:778283-779200 5981
chr1:816873-817775 chr1:816873-817775 Peaks GRCh38 chr1:816873-817775 564
chr1:827067-827949 chr1:827067-827949 Peaks GRCh38 chr1:827067-827949 3150
... ... ... ... ... ...
GL000219.1:44739-45583 GL000219.1:44739-45583 Peaks GRCh38 GL000219.1:44739-45583 781
GL000219.1:45726-46446 GL000219.1:45726-46446 Peaks GRCh38 GL000219.1:45726-46446 639
GL000219.1:99267-100169 GL000219.1:99267-100169 Peaks GRCh38 GL000219.1:99267-100169 6830
KI270726.1:41483-42332 KI270726.1:41483-42332 Peaks GRCh38 KI270726.1:41483-42332 605
KI270713.1:21453-22374 KI270713.1:21453-22374 Peaks GRCh38 KI270713.1:21453-22374 6247

37054 rows × 5 columns

split_interval = adata.var["gene_ids"].str.split(":", expand=True)
adata.var["chr"] = split_interval[0]
split_start_end = split_interval[1].str.split("-", expand=True)
adata.var["start"] = split_start_end[0].astype(int)
adata.var["end"] = split_start_end[1].astype(int)
gene_ids feature_types genome interval n_cells chr start end
chr1:629395-630394 chr1:629395-630394 Peaks GRCh38 chr1:629395-630394 1422 chr1 629395 630394
chr1:633578-634591 chr1:633578-634591 Peaks GRCh38 chr1:633578-634591 4536 chr1 633578 634591
chr1:778283-779200 chr1:778283-779200 Peaks GRCh38 chr1:778283-779200 5981 chr1 778283 779200
chr1:816873-817775 chr1:816873-817775 Peaks GRCh38 chr1:816873-817775 564 chr1 816873 817775
chr1:827067-827949 chr1:827067-827949 Peaks GRCh38 chr1:827067-827949 3150 chr1 827067 827949
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
GL000219.1:44739-45583 GL000219.1:44739-45583 Peaks GRCh38 GL000219.1:44739-45583 781 GL000219.1 44739 45583
GL000219.1:45726-46446 GL000219.1:45726-46446 Peaks GRCh38 GL000219.1:45726-46446 639 GL000219.1 45726 46446
GL000219.1:99267-100169 GL000219.1:99267-100169 Peaks GRCh38 GL000219.1:99267-100169 6830 GL000219.1 99267 100169
KI270726.1:41483-42332 KI270726.1:41483-42332 Peaks GRCh38 KI270726.1:41483-42332 605 KI270726.1 41483 42332
KI270713.1:21453-22374 KI270713.1:21453-22374 Peaks GRCh38 KI270713.1:21453-22374 6247 KI270713.1 21453 22374

37054 rows × 8 columns

# Filter out non-chromosomal regions
mask = adata.var["chr"].str.startswith("chr")
adata = adata[:, mask].copy()
Working...: 100%|██████████| 24/24 [00:02<00:00, 10.90it/s]
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 10970 × 37042
    var: 'gene_ids', 'feature_types', 'genome', 'interval', 'n_cells', 'chr', 'start', 'end'
    varm: 'dna_sequence', 'dna_code'
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343
chr1:629395-630394 C A C T C T C C C C ... C T A T A T C T A A
chr1:633578-634591 G A A A T A G G G C ... T A A A T C C C C T
chr1:778283-779200 C G C C C G G C T A ... G A C A G G A G T T
chr1:816873-817775 A A T T C A T A T G ... T T A G C G G C T G
chr1:827067-827949 C T C T C C T G C C ... C G T T A T T A A T
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
chrY:19077075-19078016 A C G A C C T C C C ... C A T A G T T C T A
chrY:19567013-19567787 G G A G T C T G G G ... T C T C T T C G T T
chrY:19744368-19745303 T A T T T T T G T C ... A T G T G G A A A T
chrY:20575244-20576162 T T T A C T G T C T ... G A G T G T A A C A
chrY:21240021-21240909 A T T G G C C C C C ... C C T T T C T G A G

37042 rows × 1344 columns

Creating and training the model#

We can now set up the AnnData object, which will ensure everything the model needs is in place for training.

This is also the stage where we can condition the model on additional covariates, which encourages the model to remove the impact of those covariates from the learned latent space. Our sample data is a single batch, so we won’t demonstrate this directly, but it can be done simply by setting the batch_key argument to the annotation to be used as a batch covariate (must be a valid key in adata.obs) .

bdata = adata.transpose()
bdata.layers["binary"] = (bdata.X.copy() > 0).astype(float)
scvi.external.SCBASSET.setup_anndata(bdata, layer="binary", dna_code_key="dna_code")
INFO     Using column names from columns of adata.obsm['dna_code']                                                 

We can now create a scBasset model object and train it!


The default max epochs is set to 1000, but in practice scBasset stops early once the model converges, which especially for large datasets (which require fewer epochs to converge, since each epoch includes letting the model view more data).

Here we are using 16 bit precision which uses less memory without sacrificing performance.

bas = scvi.external.SCBASSET(bdata)
Epoch 724/1000:  72%|███████▏  | 724/1000 [1:18:18<29:51,  6.49s/it, v_num=1, train_loss_step=0.399, train_loss_epoch=0.362]
Monitored metric auroc_train did not improve in the last 45 records. Best score: 0.846. Signaling Trainer to stop.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
<Axes: xlabel='epoch'>
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
<Axes: xlabel='epoch'>

Visualizing and analyzing the latent space#

We can now use the trained model to visualize, cluster, and analyze the data. We first extract the latent representation from the model, and save it back into our AnnData object:

latent = bas.get_latent_representation()
adata.obsm["X_scbasset"] = latent

(10970, 32)
plt.xlabel("Cell bias")
plt.ylabel("log10(UMI count)")
Text(0, 0.5, 'log10(UMI count)')

We can now use scanpy functions to cluster and visualize our latent space:

# compute the k-nearest-neighbor graph that is used in both clustering and umap algorithms
sc.pp.neighbors(adata, use_rep="X_scbasset")
# compute the umap, key_added="leiden_scbasset"), color="leiden_scbasset")

Score TF activity#

We will now use the motif injection procedure to infer the activity of human transcription factors using their motifs.

This process involves downloading a library of (1) random dinucleotide shuffled sequences and (2) random sequences with a known motif injected. We infer the accessibility of all the random sequences and all the motif injected sequences in every cell using the SCBASSET model. We then compute the difference in activity for the motif injected sequences and the random sequences. This difference serves as an estimate for the likelihood that a given motif is accessible in each cell, and therefore an estimate of a corresponding transcription factor’s activity.

Any library with sequences of the appropriate size can be used. By default, we provide the human TF motif library used in the scBasset paper. The library is downloaded to a local folder (default: ./scbasset_motifs). Each motif is stored in a specific FASTA file in the {library_path}/shuffled_peaks_motifs subdirectory. To see all available motifs, simply glob the path (e.g. Path("./scbasset_motifs/shuffled_peaks_motifs").glob("*.fasta")).

tfs = ["PAX5", "TCF7", "RXRA"]

for tf in tfs:
    adata.obs[f"bas_{tf}"] = bas.get_tf_activity(
INFO     Downloading motif set to: data/motifs                                                                     
INFO     Downloading file at data/motifs/human_motifs.tar.gz                                                       
Downloading...: 100%|██████████| 306466/306466.0 [00:06<00:00, 45712.42it/s]
INFO     Download and extraction complete.                                                                
    color=[f"bas_{tf}" for tf in tfs],