Introduction to gimVI#

Imputing missing genes in spatial data from sequencing data with gimVI#

!pip install --quiet scvi-colab
from scvi_colab import install

import anndata
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scanpy
from scipy.stats import spearmanr
from import cortex, smfish
from scvi.external import GIMVI
train_size = 0.8

%config InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs={'facecolor' : "w"}
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
spatial_data = smfish()
seq_data = cortex()
INFO     File                                                                                
         already downloaded                                                                  
INFO     Loading smFISH dataset                                                              
INFO     File /data/yosef2/users/jhong/scvi-tutorials/data/expression.bin already downloaded 
INFO     Loading Cortex data from /data/yosef2/users/jhong/scvi-tutorials/data/expression.bin
INFO     Finished loading Cortex data                                                        

Preparing the data#

In this section, we hold out some of the genes in the spatial dataset in order to test the imputation results

# only use genes in both datasets
seq_data = seq_data[:, spatial_data.var_names].copy()

seq_gene_names = seq_data.var_names
n_genes = seq_data.n_vars
n_train_genes = int(n_genes * train_size)

# randomly select training_genes
rand_train_gene_idx = np.random.choice(range(n_genes), n_train_genes, replace=False)
rand_test_gene_idx = sorted(set(range(n_genes)) - set(rand_train_gene_idx))
rand_train_genes = seq_gene_names[rand_train_gene_idx]
rand_test_genes = seq_gene_names[rand_test_gene_idx]

# spatial_data_partial has a subset of the genes to train on
spatial_data_partial = spatial_data[:, rand_train_genes].copy()

# remove cells with no counts
scanpy.pp.filter_cells(spatial_data_partial, min_counts=1)
scanpy.pp.filter_cells(seq_data, min_counts=1)

# setup_anndata for spatial and sequencing data
GIMVI.setup_anndata(spatial_data_partial, labels_key="labels", batch_key="batch")
GIMVI.setup_anndata(seq_data, labels_key="labels")

# spatial_data should use the same cells as our training data
# cells may have been removed by scanpy.pp.filter_cells()
spatial_data = spatial_data[spatial_data_partial.obs_names]

Creating the model and training#

# create our model
model = GIMVI(seq_data, spatial_data_partial)

# train for 200 epochs
Epoch 1/200:   0%|          | 0/200 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Epoch 200/200: 100%|██████████| 200/200 [04:08<00:00,  1.24s/it, loss=24.5, v_num=1]

Analyzing the results#

Getting the latent representations and plotting UMAPs#

# get the latent representations for the sequencing and spatial data
latent_seq, latent_spatial = model.get_latent_representation()

# concatenate to one latent representation
latent_representation = np.concatenate([latent_seq, latent_spatial])
latent_adata = anndata.AnnData(latent_representation)

# labels which cells were from the sequencing dataset and which were from the spatial dataset
latent_labels = (["seq"] * latent_seq.shape[0]) + (
    ["spatial"] * latent_spatial.shape[0]
latent_adata.obs["labels"] = latent_labels

# compute umap
scanpy.pp.neighbors(latent_adata, use_rep="X")

# save umap representations to original seq and spatial_datasets
seq_data.obsm["X_umap"] = latent_adata.obsm["X_umap"][: seq_data.shape[0]]
spatial_data.obsm["X_umap"] = latent_adata.obsm["X_umap"][seq_data.shape[0] :]
# umap of the combined latent space, color="labels", show=True)
# umap of sequencing dataset, color="cell_type")
# umap of spatial dataset, color="str_labels")

Getting Imputation Score#

imputation_score() returns the median spearman r correlation over all the cells

# utility function for scoring the imputation

def imputation_score(model, data_spatial, gene_ids_test, normalized=True):
    _, fish_imputation = model.get_imputed_values(normalized=normalized)
    original, imputed = (
        data_spatial.X[:, gene_ids_test],
        fish_imputation[:, gene_ids_test],

    if normalized:
        original /= data_spatial.X.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)

    spearman_gene = []
    for g in range(imputed.shape[1]):
        if np.all(imputed[:, g] == 0):
            correlation = 0
            correlation = spearmanr(original[:, g], imputed[:, g])[0]
    return np.median(np.array(spearman_gene))

imputation_score(model, spatial_data, rand_test_gene_idx, True)

Plot imputation for Lamp5, which should have been hidden in the training#

# utility function for plotting spatial genes

def plot_gene_spatial(model, data_spatial, gene):
    data_seq = model.adatas[0]
    data_fish = data_spatial

    fig, (ax_gt, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 2)

    if type(gene) == str:
        gene_id = list(data_seq.gene_names).index(gene)
        gene_id = gene

    x_coord = data_fish.obs["x_coord"]
    y_coord = data_fish.obs["y_coord"]

    def order_by_strenght(x, y, z):
        ind = np.argsort(z)
        return x[ind], y[ind], z[ind]

    s = 20

    def transform(data):
        return np.log(1 + 100 * data)

    # Plot groundtruth
    x, y, z = order_by_strenght(
        x_coord, y_coord, data_fish.X[:, gene_id] / (data_fish.X.sum(axis=1) + 1)
    ax_gt.scatter(x, y, c=transform(z), s=s, edgecolors="none", marker="s", cmap="Reds")

    _, imputed = model.get_imputed_values(normalized=True)
    x, y, z = order_by_strenght(x_coord, y_coord, imputed[:, gene_id])
    ax.scatter(x, y, c=transform(z), s=s, edgecolors="none", marker="s", cmap="Reds")

assert "Lamp5" in rand_test_genes
plot_gene_spatial(model, spatial_data, 9)