Source code for scvi.inference.annotation

from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import logging

from sklearn import neighbors
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC

import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F

from scvi.inference import Posterior
from scvi.inference import Trainer
from scvi.inference.inference import UnsupervisedTrainer
from scvi.inference.posterior import unsupervised_clustering_accuracy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AnnotationPosterior(Posterior):
    def __init__(self, *args, model_zl=False, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.model_zl = model_zl

    def accuracy(self):
        model, cls = (
            (self.sampling_model, self.model)
            if hasattr(self, "sampling_model")
            else (self.model, None)
        acc = compute_accuracy(model, self, classifier=cls, model_zl=self.model_zl)
        logger.debug("Acc: %.4f" % (acc))
        return acc

    accuracy.mode = "max"

    def hierarchical_accuracy(self):
        all_y, all_y_pred = self.compute_predictions()
        acc = np.mean(all_y == all_y_pred)

        all_y_groups = np.array([self.model.labels_groups[y] for y in all_y])
        all_y_pred_groups = np.array([self.model.labels_groups[y] for y in all_y_pred])
        h_acc = np.mean(all_y_groups == all_y_pred_groups)

        logger.debug("Hierarchical Acc : %.4f\n" % h_acc)
        return acc

    accuracy.mode = "max"

    def compute_predictions(self, soft=False):

             (Default value = False)

        the true labels and the predicted labels

        model, cls = (
            (self.sampling_model, self.model)
            if hasattr(self, "sampling_model")
            else (self.model, None)
        return compute_predictions(
            model, self, classifier=cls, soft=soft, model_zl=self.model_zl

    def unsupervised_classification_accuracy(self):
        all_y, all_y_pred = self.compute_predictions()
        uca = unsupervised_clustering_accuracy(all_y, all_y_pred)[0]
        logger.debug("UCA : %.4f" % (uca))
        return uca

    unsupervised_classification_accuracy.mode = "max"

    def nn_latentspace(self, posterior):
        data_train, _, labels_train = self.get_latent()
        data_test, _, labels_test = posterior.get_latent()
        nn = KNeighborsClassifier(), labels_train)
        score = nn.score(data_test, labels_test)
        return score

[docs]class ClassifierTrainer(Trainer): """Class for training a classifier either on the raw data or on top of the latent space of another model. Parameters ---------- model A model instance from class ``VAE``, ``VAEC``, ``SCANVI`` gene_dataset A gene_dataset instance like ``CortexDataset()`` train_size The train size, a float between 0 and 1 representing proportion of dataset to use for training to use Default: ``0.9``. test_size The test size, a float between 0 and 1 representing proportion of dataset to use for testing to use Default: ``None``. sampling_model Model with z_encoder with which to first transform data. sampling_zl Transform data with sampling_model z_encoder and l_encoder and concat. **kwargs Other keywords arguments from the general Trainer class. Examples -------- >>> gene_dataset = CortexDataset() >>> vae = VAE(gene_dataset.nb_genes, n_batch=gene_dataset.n_batches * False, ... n_labels=gene_dataset.n_labels) >>> classifier = Classifier(vae.n_latent, n_labels=cortex_dataset.n_labels) >>> trainer = ClassifierTrainer(classifier, gene_dataset, sampling_model=vae, train_size=0.5) >>> trainer.train(n_epochs=20, lr=1e-3) >>> trainer.test_set.accuracy() """ def __init__( self, *args, train_size=0.9, test_size=None, sampling_model=None, sampling_zl=False, use_cuda=True, **kwargs ): train_size = float(train_size) if train_size > 1.0 or train_size <= 0.0: raise ValueError( "train_size needs to be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1" ) self.sampling_model = sampling_model self.sampling_zl = sampling_zl super().__init__(*args, use_cuda=use_cuda, **kwargs) self.train_set, self.test_set, self.validation_set = self.train_test_validation( self.model, self.gene_dataset, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size, type_class=AnnotationPosterior, ) self.train_set.to_monitor = ["accuracy"] self.test_set.to_monitor = ["accuracy"] self.validation_set.to_monitor = ["accuracy"] self.train_set.model_zl = sampling_zl self.test_set.model_zl = sampling_zl self.validation_set.model_zl = sampling_zl @property def posteriors_loop(self): return ["train_set"] def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key in ["train_set", "test_set"]: value.sampling_model = self.sampling_model super().__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def loss(self, tensors_labelled): x, _, _, _, labels_train = tensors_labelled if self.sampling_model: if hasattr(self.sampling_model, "classify"): return F.cross_entropy( self.sampling_model.classify(x), labels_train.view(-1) ) else: if self.sampling_model.log_variational: x = torch.log(1 + x) if self.sampling_zl: x_z = self.sampling_model.z_encoder(x)[0] x_l = self.sampling_model.l_encoder(x)[0] x =, x_l), dim=-1) else: x = self.sampling_model.z_encoder(x)[0] return F.cross_entropy(self.model(x), labels_train.view(-1))
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def compute_predictions(self, soft=False): """ Parameters ---------- soft : (Default value = False) Returns ------- the true labels and the predicted labels """ model, cls = ( (self.sampling_model, self.model) if hasattr(self, "sampling_model") else (self.model, None) ) full_set = self.create_posterior(type_class=AnnotationPosterior) return compute_predictions( model, full_set, classifier=cls, soft=soft, model_zl=self.sampling_zl )
[docs]class SemiSupervisedTrainer(UnsupervisedTrainer): """Class for the semi-supervised training of an autoencoder. This parent class can be inherited to specify the different training schemes for semi-supervised learning Parameters ---------- n_labelled_samples_per_class number of labelled samples per class """ def __init__( self, model, gene_dataset, n_labelled_samples_per_class=50, n_epochs_classifier=1, lr_classification=5 * 1e-3, classification_ratio=50, seed=0, **kwargs ): super().__init__(model, gene_dataset, **kwargs) self.model = model self.gene_dataset = gene_dataset self.n_epochs_classifier = n_epochs_classifier self.lr_classification = lr_classification self.classification_ratio = classification_ratio n_labelled_samples_per_class_array = [ n_labelled_samples_per_class ] * self.gene_dataset.n_labels labels = np.array(self.gene_dataset.labels).ravel() np.random.seed(seed=seed) permutation_idx = np.random.permutation(len(labels)) labels = labels[permutation_idx] indices = [] current_nbrs = np.zeros(len(n_labelled_samples_per_class_array)) for idx, (label) in enumerate(labels): label = int(label) if current_nbrs[label] < n_labelled_samples_per_class_array[label]: indices.insert(0, idx) current_nbrs[label] += 1 else: indices.append(idx) indices = np.array(indices) total_labelled = sum(n_labelled_samples_per_class_array) indices_labelled = permutation_idx[indices[:total_labelled]] indices_unlabelled = permutation_idx[indices[total_labelled:]] self.classifier_trainer = ClassifierTrainer( model.classifier, gene_dataset, metrics_to_monitor=[], show_progbar=False, frequency=0, sampling_model=self.model, ) self.full_dataset = self.create_posterior(shuffle=True) self.labelled_set = self.create_posterior(indices=indices_labelled) self.unlabelled_set = self.create_posterior(indices=indices_unlabelled) for posterior in [self.labelled_set, self.unlabelled_set]: posterior.to_monitor = ["reconstruction_error", "accuracy"] @property def posteriors_loop(self): return ["full_dataset", "labelled_set"] def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key == "labelled_set": self.classifier_trainer.train_set = value super().__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def loss(self, tensors_all, tensors_labelled): loss = super().loss(tensors_all, feed_labels=False) sample_batch, _, _, _, y = tensors_labelled classification_loss = F.cross_entropy( self.model.classify(sample_batch), y.view(-1) ) loss += classification_loss * self.classification_ratio return loss
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self): self.model.eval() self.classifier_trainer.train( self.n_epochs_classifier, lr=self.lr_classification ) self.model.train() return super().on_epoch_end()
[docs] def create_posterior( self, model=None, gene_dataset=None, shuffle=False, indices=None, type_class=AnnotationPosterior, ): return super().create_posterior( model, gene_dataset, shuffle, indices, type_class )
[docs]class JointSemiSupervisedTrainer(SemiSupervisedTrainer): def __init__(self, model, gene_dataset, **kwargs): kwargs.update({"n_epochs_classifier": 0}) super().__init__(model, gene_dataset, **kwargs)
[docs]class AlternateSemiSupervisedTrainer(SemiSupervisedTrainer): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def loss(self, all_tensor): return UnsupervisedTrainer.loss(self, all_tensor)
@property def posteriors_loop(self): return ["full_dataset"]
@torch.no_grad() def compute_predictions( model, data_loader, classifier=None, soft=False, model_zl=False ): all_y_pred = [] all_y = [] for i_batch, tensors in enumerate(data_loader): sample_batch, _, _, _, labels = tensors all_y += [labels.view(-1).cpu()] if hasattr(model, "classify"): y_pred = model.classify(sample_batch) elif classifier is not None: # Then we use the specified classifier if model is not None: if model.log_variational: sample_batch = torch.log(1 + sample_batch) if model_zl: sample_z = model.z_encoder(sample_batch)[0] sample_l = model.l_encoder(sample_batch)[0] sample_batch =, sample_l), dim=-1) else: sample_batch, _, _ = model.z_encoder(sample_batch) y_pred = classifier(sample_batch) else: # The model is the raw classifier y_pred = model(sample_batch) if not soft: y_pred = y_pred.argmax(dim=-1) all_y_pred += [y_pred.cpu()] all_y_pred = np.array( all_y = np.array( return all_y, all_y_pred @torch.no_grad() def compute_accuracy(vae, data_loader, classifier=None, model_zl=False): all_y, all_y_pred = compute_predictions( vae, data_loader, classifier=classifier, model_zl=model_zl ) return np.mean(all_y == all_y_pred) Accuracy = namedtuple( "Accuracy", ["unweighted", "weighted", "worst", "accuracy_classes"] ) @torch.no_grad() def compute_accuracy_tuple(y, y_pred): y = y.ravel() n_labels = len(np.unique(y)) classes_probabilities = [] accuracy_classes = [] for cl in range(n_labels): idx = y == cl classes_probabilities += [np.mean(idx)] accuracy_classes += [ np.mean((y[idx] == y_pred[idx])) if classes_probabilities[-1] else 0 ] # This is also referred to as the "recall": p = n_true_positive / (n_false_negative + n_true_positive) # ( We could also compute the "precision": p = n_true_positive / (n_false_positive + n_true_positive) ) accuracy_named_tuple = Accuracy(, classes_probabilities), weighted=np.mean(accuracy_classes), worst=np.min(accuracy_classes), accuracy_classes=accuracy_classes, ) return accuracy_named_tuple @torch.no_grad() def compute_accuracy_nn(data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test, k=5): clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(k, weights="distance") return compute_accuracy_classifier( clf, data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test ) @torch.no_grad() def compute_accuracy_classifier(clf, data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test):, labels_train) # Predicting the labels y_pred_test = clf.predict(data_test) y_pred_train = clf.predict(data_train) return ( ( compute_accuracy_tuple(labels_train, y_pred_train), compute_accuracy_tuple(labels_test, y_pred_test), ), y_pred_test, ) @torch.no_grad() def compute_accuracy_svc( data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test, param_grid=None, verbose=0, max_iter=-1, ): if param_grid is None: param_grid = [ {"C": [1, 10, 100, 1000], "kernel": ["linear"]}, {"C": [1, 10, 100, 1000], "gamma": [0.001, 0.0001], "kernel": ["rbf"]}, ] svc = SVC(max_iter=max_iter) clf = GridSearchCV(svc, param_grid, verbose=verbose, cv=3) return compute_accuracy_classifier( clf, data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test ) @torch.no_grad() def compute_accuracy_rf( data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test, param_grid=None, verbose=0 ): if param_grid is None: param_grid = {"max_depth": np.arange(3, 10), "n_estimators": [10, 50, 100, 200]} rf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=2, random_state=0) clf = GridSearchCV(rf, param_grid, verbose=verbose, cv=3) return compute_accuracy_classifier( clf, data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test )