Source code for scvi.models.autozivae

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.distributions import Normal, Beta, Gamma, kl_divergence as kl
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import logit

from scvi.models.distributions import ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial, NegativeBinomial
from scvi.models.vae import VAE
from scvi.models.utils import one_hot

from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

[docs]class AutoZIVAE(VAE): r"""AutoZI variational auto-encoder model. Implementation of AutoZI model [Clivio19]_. n_input Number of input genes alpha_prior Float denoting the alpha parameter of the prior Beta distribution of the zero-inflation Bernoulli parameter. Should be between 0 and 1, not included. When set to ``None'', will be set to 1 - beta_prior if beta_prior is not ``None'', otherwise the prior Beta distribution will be learned on an Empirical Bayes fashion. beta_prior Float denoting the beta parameter of the prior Beta distribution of the zero-inflation Bernoulli parameter. Should be between 0 and 1, not included. When set to ``None'', will be set to 1 - alpha_prior if alpha_prior is not ``None'', otherwise the prior Beta distribution will be learned on an Empirical Bayes fashion. minimal_dropout Float denoting the lower bound of the cell-gene ZI rate in the ZINB component. Must be non-negative. Can be set to 0 but not recommended as this may make the mixture problem ill-defined. zero_inflation: One of the following * ``'gene'`` - zero-inflation Bernoulli parameter of AutoZI is constant per gene across cells * ``'gene-batch'`` - zero-inflation Bernoulli parameter can differ between different batches * ``'gene-label'`` - zero-inflation Bernoulli parameter can differ between different labels * ``'gene-cell'`` - zero-inflation Bernoulli parameter can differ for every gene in every cell See VAE docstring (scvi/models/ for more parameters. ``reconstruction_loss`` should not be specified. Examples -------- >>> gene_dataset = CortexDataset() >>> autozivae = AutoZIVAE(gene_dataset.nb_genes, alpha_prior=0.5, beta_prior=0.5, minimal_dropout=0.01) """ def __init__( self, n_input: int, alpha_prior: Optional[float] = 0.5, beta_prior: Optional[float] = 0.5, minimal_dropout: float = 0.01, zero_inflation: str = "gene", **args, ) -> None: if "reconstruction_loss" in args: raise ValueError( "No reconstruction loss must be specified for AutoZI : it is 'autozinb'." ) super().__init__(n_input, **args) self.zero_inflation = zero_inflation self.reconstruction_loss = "autozinb" self.minimal_dropout = minimal_dropout # Parameters of prior Bernoulli Beta distribution : alpha + beta = 1 if only one is specified if beta_prior is None and alpha_prior is not None: beta_prior = 1.0 - alpha_prior if alpha_prior is None and beta_prior is not None: alpha_prior = 1.0 - beta_prior # Create parameters for Bernoulli Beta prior and posterior distributions # Each parameter, whose values are in (0,1), is encoded as its logit, in the set of real numbers if self.zero_inflation == "gene": self.alpha_posterior_logit = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(n_input)) self.beta_posterior_logit = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(n_input)) self.alpha_prior_logit = ( torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1)) if alpha_prior is None else torch.Tensor([logit(alpha_prior)]) ) self.beta_prior_logit = ( torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1)) if beta_prior is None else torch.Tensor([logit(beta_prior)]) ) elif self.zero_inflation == "gene-batch": self.alpha_posterior_logit = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.randn(n_input, self.n_batch) ) self.beta_posterior_logit = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.randn(n_input, self.n_batch) ) self.alpha_prior_logit = ( torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, self.n_batch)) if alpha_prior is None else torch.Tensor([logit(alpha_prior)]) ) self.beta_prior_logit = ( torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, self.n_batch)) if beta_prior is None else torch.Tensor([logit(beta_prior)]) ) elif self.zero_inflation == "gene-label": self.alpha_posterior_logit = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.randn(n_input, self.n_labels) ) self.beta_posterior_logit = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.randn(n_input, self.n_labels) ) self.alpha_prior_logit = ( torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, self.n_labels)) if alpha_prior is None else torch.Tensor([logit(alpha_prior)]) ) self.beta_prior_logit = ( torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, self.n_labels)) if beta_prior is None else torch.Tensor([logit(beta_prior)]) ) else: # gene-cell raise Exception("Gene-cell not implemented yet for AutoZI")
[docs] def cuda(self, device: Optional[str] = None) -> torch.nn.Module: r""" Moves all model parameters and also fixed prior alpha and beta values, when relevant, to the GPU. Parameters ---------- device string denoting the GPU device on which parameters and prior distribution values are copied. Returns ------- """ self = super().cuda(device) if isinstance(self.alpha_prior_logit, torch.Tensor): self.alpha_prior_logit = self.alpha_prior_logit.cuda(device) if isinstance(self.beta_prior_logit, torch.Tensor): self.beta_prior_logit = self.beta_prior_logit.cuda(device) return self
[docs] def get_alphas_betas( self, as_numpy: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]]: # Return parameters of Bernoulli Beta distributions in a dictionary outputs = {} outputs["alpha_posterior"] = torch.sigmoid(self.alpha_posterior_logit) outputs["beta_posterior"] = torch.sigmoid(self.beta_posterior_logit) outputs["alpha_prior"] = torch.sigmoid(self.alpha_prior_logit) outputs["beta_prior"] = torch.sigmoid(self.beta_prior_logit) if as_numpy: for key, value in outputs.items(): outputs[key] = ( value.detach().cpu().numpy() if value.requires_grad else value.cpu().numpy() ) return outputs
[docs] def sample_from_beta_distribution( self, alpha: torch.Tensor, beta: torch.Tensor, eps_gamma: float = 1e-30, eps_sample: float = 1e-7, ) -> torch.Tensor: # Sample from a Beta distribution using the reparameterization trick. # Problem : it is not implemented in CUDA yet # Workaround : sample X and Y from Gamma(alpha,1) and Gamma(beta,1), the Beta sample is X/(X+Y) # Warning : use logs and perform logsumexp to avoid numerical issues # Sample from Gamma sample_x_log = torch.log(Gamma(alpha, 1).rsample() + eps_gamma) sample_y_log = torch.log(Gamma(beta, 1).rsample() + eps_gamma) # Sum using logsumexp (note : eps_gamma is used to prevent numerical issues with perfect # 0 and 1 final Beta samples sample_xy_log_max = torch.max(sample_x_log, sample_y_log) sample_xplusy_log = sample_xy_log_max + torch.log( torch.exp(sample_x_log - sample_xy_log_max) + torch.exp(sample_y_log - sample_xy_log_max) ) sample_log = sample_x_log - sample_xplusy_log sample = eps_sample + (1 - 2 * eps_sample) * torch.exp(sample_log) return sample
[docs] def reshape_bernoulli( self, bernoulli_params: torch.Tensor, batch_index: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, y: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: if self.zero_inflation == "gene-label": one_hot_label = one_hot(y, self.n_labels) # If we sampled several random Bernoulli parameters if len(bernoulli_params.shape) == 2: bernoulli_params = F.linear(one_hot_label, bernoulli_params) else: bernoulli_params_res = [] for sample in range(bernoulli_params.shape[0]): bernoulli_params_res.append( F.linear(one_hot_label, bernoulli_params[sample]) ) bernoulli_params = torch.stack(bernoulli_params_res) elif self.zero_inflation == "gene-batch": one_hot_batch = one_hot(batch_index, self.n_batch) if len(bernoulli_params.shape) == 2: bernoulli_params = F.linear(one_hot_batch, bernoulli_params) # If we sampled several random Bernoulli parameters else: bernoulli_params_res = [] for sample in range(bernoulli_params.shape[0]): bernoulli_params_res.append( F.linear(one_hot_batch, bernoulli_params[sample]) ) bernoulli_params = torch.stack(bernoulli_params_res) return bernoulli_params
[docs] def sample_bernoulli_params( self, batch_index: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, y: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, n_samples: int = 1, ) -> torch.Tensor: outputs = self.get_alphas_betas(as_numpy=False) alpha_posterior = outputs["alpha_posterior"] beta_posterior = outputs["beta_posterior"] if n_samples > 1: alpha_posterior = ( alpha_posterior.unsqueeze(0).expand( (n_samples, alpha_posterior.size(0)) ) if self.zero_inflation == "gene" else alpha_posterior.unsqueeze(0).expand( (n_samples, alpha_posterior.size(0), alpha_posterior.size(1)) ) ) beta_posterior = ( beta_posterior.unsqueeze(0).expand((n_samples, beta_posterior.size(0))) if self.zero_inflation == "gene" else beta_posterior.unsqueeze(0).expand( (n_samples, beta_posterior.size(0), beta_posterior.size(1)) ) ) bernoulli_params = self.sample_from_beta_distribution( alpha_posterior, beta_posterior ) bernoulli_params = self.reshape_bernoulli(bernoulli_params, batch_index, y) return bernoulli_params
[docs] def rescale_dropout( self, px_dropout: torch.Tensor, eps_log: float = 1e-8 ) -> torch.Tensor: if self.minimal_dropout > 0.0: dropout_prob_rescaled = self.minimal_dropout + ( 1.0 - self.minimal_dropout ) * torch.sigmoid(px_dropout) px_dropout_rescaled = torch.log( dropout_prob_rescaled / (1.0 - dropout_prob_rescaled + eps_log) ) else: px_dropout_rescaled = px_dropout return px_dropout_rescaled
[docs] def inference( self, x, batch_index: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, y: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, n_samples: int = 1, eps_log: float = 1e-8, ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: outputs = super().inference( x, batch_index=batch_index, y=y, n_samples=n_samples ) # Rescale dropout outputs["px_dropout"] = self.rescale_dropout( outputs["px_dropout"], eps_log=eps_log ) # Bernoulli parameters outputs["bernoulli_params"] = self.sample_bernoulli_params( batch_index, y, n_samples=n_samples ) return outputs
[docs] def compute_global_kl_divergence(self) -> torch.Tensor: outputs = self.get_alphas_betas(as_numpy=False) alpha_posterior = outputs["alpha_posterior"] beta_posterior = outputs["beta_posterior"] alpha_prior = outputs["alpha_prior"] beta_prior = outputs["beta_prior"] return kl( Beta(alpha_posterior, beta_posterior), Beta(alpha_prior, beta_prior) ).sum()
[docs] def get_reconstruction_loss( self, x: torch.Tensor, px_rate: torch.Tensor, px_r: torch.Tensor, px_dropout: torch.Tensor, bernoulli_params: torch.Tensor, eps_log: float = 1e-8, **kwargs, ) -> torch.Tensor: # LLs for NB and ZINB ll_zinb = torch.log( 1.0 - bernoulli_params + eps_log ) + ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial( mu=px_rate, theta=px_r, zi_logits=px_dropout ).log_prob( x ) ll_nb = torch.log(bernoulli_params + eps_log) + NegativeBinomial( mu=px_rate, theta=px_r ).log_prob(x) # Reconstruction loss using a logsumexp-type computation ll_max = torch.max(ll_zinb, ll_nb) ll_tot = ll_max + torch.log( torch.exp(ll_nb - ll_max) + torch.exp(ll_zinb - ll_max) ) reconst_loss = -ll_tot.sum(dim=-1) return reconst_loss
[docs] def forward( self, x: torch.Tensor, local_l_mean: torch.Tensor, local_l_var: torch.Tensor, batch_index: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, y: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: r""" Returns the reconstruction loss and the Kullback divergences Parameters ---------- x tensor of values with shape (batch_size, n_input) local_l_mean tensor of means of the prior distribution of latent variable l with shape (batch_size, 1) local_l_var tensor of variancess of the prior distribution of latent variable l with shape (batch_size, 1) batch_index array that indicates which batch the cells belong to with shape ``batch_size`` y tensor of cell-types labels with shape (batch_size, n_labels) Returns ------- 2-tuple of :py:class:`torch.FloatTensor` the reconstruction loss and the Kullback divergences """ # Parameters for z latent distribution outputs = self.inference(x, batch_index, y) qz_m = outputs["qz_m"] qz_v = outputs["qz_v"] ql_m = outputs["ql_m"] ql_v = outputs["ql_v"] px_rate = outputs["px_rate"] px_r = outputs["px_r"] px_dropout = outputs["px_dropout"] bernoulli_params = outputs["bernoulli_params"] # KL divergences wrt z_n,l_n mean = torch.zeros_like(qz_m) scale = torch.ones_like(qz_v) kl_divergence_z = kl(Normal(qz_m, torch.sqrt(qz_v)), Normal(mean, scale)).sum( dim=1 ) kl_divergence_l = kl( Normal(ql_m, torch.sqrt(ql_v)), Normal(local_l_mean, torch.sqrt(local_l_var)), ).sum(dim=1) # KL divergence wrt Bernoulli parameters kl_divergence_bernoulli = self.compute_global_kl_divergence() # Reconstruction loss reconst_loss = self.get_reconstruction_loss( x, px_rate, px_r, px_dropout, bernoulli_params ) return reconst_loss + kl_divergence_l, kl_divergence_z, kl_divergence_bernoulli