Source code for scvi.models.vae

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Main module."""

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.distributions import Normal, kl_divergence as kl

from scvi.models.distributions import (
from scvi.models.modules import Encoder, DecoderSCVI, LinearDecoderSCVI
from scvi.models.utils import one_hot

from typing import Tuple, Dict

torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

# VAE model
[docs]class VAE(nn.Module): """Variational auto-encoder model. This is an implementation of the scVI model descibed in [Lopez18]_ Parameters ---------- n_input Number of input genes n_batch Number of batches, if 0, no batch correction is performed. n_labels Number of labels n_hidden Number of nodes per hidden layer n_latent Dimensionality of the latent space n_layers Number of hidden layers used for encoder and decoder NNs dropout_rate Dropout rate for neural networks dispersion One of the following * ``'gene'`` - dispersion parameter of NB is constant per gene across cells * ``'gene-batch'`` - dispersion can differ between different batches * ``'gene-label'`` - dispersion can differ between different labels * ``'gene-cell'`` - dispersion can differ for every gene in every cell log_variational Log(data+1) prior to encoding for numerical stability. Not normalization. reconstruction_loss One of * ``'nb'`` - Negative binomial distribution * ``'zinb'`` - Zero-inflated negative binomial distribution * ``'poisson'`` - Poisson distribution Examples -------- >>> gene_dataset = CortexDataset() >>> vae = VAE(gene_dataset.nb_genes, n_batch=gene_dataset.n_batches * False, ... n_labels=gene_dataset.n_labels) """ def __init__( self, n_input: int, n_batch: int = 0, n_labels: int = 0, n_hidden: int = 128, n_latent: int = 10, n_layers: int = 1, dropout_rate: float = 0.1, dispersion: str = "gene", log_variational: bool = True, reconstruction_loss: str = "zinb", latent_distribution: str = "normal", ): super().__init__() self.dispersion = dispersion self.n_latent = n_latent self.log_variational = log_variational self.reconstruction_loss = reconstruction_loss # Automatically deactivate if useless self.n_batch = n_batch self.n_labels = n_labels self.latent_distribution = latent_distribution if self.dispersion == "gene": self.px_r = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(n_input)) elif self.dispersion == "gene-batch": self.px_r = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(n_input, n_batch)) elif self.dispersion == "gene-label": self.px_r = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(n_input, n_labels)) elif self.dispersion == "gene-cell": pass else: raise ValueError( "dispersion must be one of ['gene', 'gene-batch'," " 'gene-label', 'gene-cell'], but input was " "{}.format(self.dispersion)" ) # z encoder goes from the n_input-dimensional data to an n_latent-d # latent space representation self.z_encoder = Encoder( n_input, n_latent, n_layers=n_layers, n_hidden=n_hidden, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, distribution=latent_distribution, ) # l encoder goes from n_input-dimensional data to 1-d library size self.l_encoder = Encoder( n_input, 1, n_layers=1, n_hidden=n_hidden, dropout_rate=dropout_rate ) # decoder goes from n_latent-dimensional space to n_input-d data self.decoder = DecoderSCVI( n_latent, n_input, n_cat_list=[n_batch], n_layers=n_layers, n_hidden=n_hidden, )
[docs] def get_latents(self, x, y=None) -> torch.Tensor: """Returns the result of ``sample_from_posterior_z`` inside a list Parameters ---------- x tensor of values with shape ``(batch_size, n_input)`` y tensor of cell-types labels with shape ``(batch_size, n_labels)`` (Default value = None) Returns ------- type one element list of tensor """ return [self.sample_from_posterior_z(x, y)]
[docs] def sample_from_posterior_z( self, x, y=None, give_mean=False, n_samples=5000 ) -> torch.Tensor: """Samples the tensor of latent values from the posterior Parameters ---------- x tensor of values with shape ``(batch_size, n_input)`` y tensor of cell-types labels with shape ``(batch_size, n_labels)`` (Default value = None) give_mean is True when we want the mean of the posterior distribution rather than sampling (Default value = False) n_samples how many MC samples to average over for transformed mean (Default value = 5000) Returns ------- type tensor of shape ``(batch_size, n_latent)`` """ if self.log_variational: x = torch.log(1 + x) qz_m, qz_v, z = self.z_encoder(x, y) # y only used in VAEC if give_mean: if self.latent_distribution == "ln": samples = Normal(qz_m, qz_v.sqrt()).sample([n_samples]) z = self.z_encoder.z_transformation(samples) z = z.mean(dim=0) else: z = qz_m return z
[docs] def sample_from_posterior_l(self, x) -> torch.Tensor: """Samples the tensor of library sizes from the posterior Parameters ---------- x tensor of values with shape ``(batch_size, n_input)`` y tensor of cell-types labels with shape ``(batch_size, n_labels)`` Returns ------- type tensor of shape ``(batch_size, 1)`` """ if self.log_variational: x = torch.log(1 + x) ql_m, ql_v, library = self.l_encoder(x) return library
[docs] def get_sample_scale( self, x, batch_index=None, y=None, n_samples=1, transform_batch=None ) -> torch.Tensor: """Returns the tensor of predicted frequencies of expression Parameters ---------- x tensor of values with shape ``(batch_size, n_input)`` batch_index array that indicates which batch the cells belong to with shape ``batch_size`` (Default value = None) y tensor of cell-types labels with shape ``(batch_size, n_labels)`` (Default value = None) n_samples number of samples (Default value = 1) transform_batch int of batch to transform samples into (Default value = None) Returns ------- type tensor of predicted frequencies of expression with shape ``(batch_size, n_input)`` """ return self.inference( x, batch_index=batch_index, y=y, n_samples=n_samples, transform_batch=transform_batch, )["px_scale"]
[docs] def get_sample_rate( self, x, batch_index=None, y=None, n_samples=1, transform_batch=None ) -> torch.Tensor: """Returns the tensor of means of the negative binomial distribution Parameters ---------- x tensor of values with shape ``(batch_size, n_input)`` y tensor of cell-types labels with shape ``(batch_size, n_labels)`` (Default value = None) batch_index array that indicates which batch the cells belong to with shape ``batch_size`` (Default value = None) n_samples number of samples (Default value = 1) transform_batch int of batch to transform samples into (Default value = None) Returns ------- type tensor of means of the negative binomial distribution with shape ``(batch_size, n_input)`` """ return self.inference( x, batch_index=batch_index, y=y, n_samples=n_samples, transform_batch=transform_batch, )["px_rate"]
[docs] def get_reconstruction_loss( self, x, px_rate, px_r, px_dropout, **kwargs ) -> torch.Tensor: # Reconstruction Loss if self.reconstruction_loss == "zinb": reconst_loss = ( -ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial( mu=px_rate, theta=px_r, zi_logits=px_dropout ) .log_prob(x) .sum(dim=-1) ) elif self.reconstruction_loss == "nb": reconst_loss = ( -NegativeBinomial(mu=px_rate, theta=px_r).log_prob(x).sum(dim=-1) ) elif self.reconstruction_loss == "poisson": reconst_loss = -Poisson(px_rate).log_prob(x).sum(dim=-1) return reconst_loss
[docs] def inference( self, x, batch_index=None, y=None, n_samples=1, transform_batch=None ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """Helper function used in forward pass """ x_ = x if self.log_variational: x_ = torch.log(1 + x_) # Sampling qz_m, qz_v, z = self.z_encoder(x_, y) ql_m, ql_v, library = self.l_encoder(x_) if n_samples > 1: qz_m = qz_m.unsqueeze(0).expand((n_samples, qz_m.size(0), qz_m.size(1))) qz_v = qz_v.unsqueeze(0).expand((n_samples, qz_v.size(0), qz_v.size(1))) # when z is normal, untran_z == z untran_z = Normal(qz_m, qz_v.sqrt()).sample() z = self.z_encoder.z_transformation(untran_z) ql_m = ql_m.unsqueeze(0).expand((n_samples, ql_m.size(0), ql_m.size(1))) ql_v = ql_v.unsqueeze(0).expand((n_samples, ql_v.size(0), ql_v.size(1))) library = Normal(ql_m, ql_v.sqrt()).sample() if transform_batch is not None: dec_batch_index = transform_batch * torch.ones_like(batch_index) else: dec_batch_index = batch_index px_scale, px_r, px_rate, px_dropout = self.decoder( self.dispersion, z, library, dec_batch_index, y ) if self.dispersion == "gene-label": px_r = F.linear( one_hot(y, self.n_labels), self.px_r ) # px_r gets transposed - last dimension is nb genes elif self.dispersion == "gene-batch": px_r = F.linear(one_hot(dec_batch_index, self.n_batch), self.px_r) elif self.dispersion == "gene": px_r = self.px_r px_r = torch.exp(px_r) return dict( px_scale=px_scale, px_r=px_r, px_rate=px_rate, px_dropout=px_dropout, qz_m=qz_m, qz_v=qz_v, z=z, ql_m=ql_m, ql_v=ql_v, library=library, )
[docs] def forward( self, x, local_l_mean, local_l_var, batch_index=None, y=None ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Returns the reconstruction loss and the KL divergences Parameters ---------- x tensor of values with shape (batch_size, n_input) local_l_mean tensor of means of the prior distribution of latent variable l with shape (batch_size, 1) local_l_var tensor of variancess of the prior distribution of latent variable l with shape (batch_size, 1) batch_index array that indicates which batch the cells belong to with shape ``batch_size`` (Default value = None) y tensor of cell-types labels with shape (batch_size, n_labels) (Default value = None) Returns ------- type the reconstruction loss and the Kullback divergences """ # Parameters for z latent distribution outputs = self.inference(x, batch_index, y) qz_m = outputs["qz_m"] qz_v = outputs["qz_v"] ql_m = outputs["ql_m"] ql_v = outputs["ql_v"] px_rate = outputs["px_rate"] px_r = outputs["px_r"] px_dropout = outputs["px_dropout"] # KL Divergence mean = torch.zeros_like(qz_m) scale = torch.ones_like(qz_v) kl_divergence_z = kl(Normal(qz_m, torch.sqrt(qz_v)), Normal(mean, scale)).sum( dim=1 ) kl_divergence_l = kl( Normal(ql_m, torch.sqrt(ql_v)), Normal(local_l_mean, torch.sqrt(local_l_var)), ).sum(dim=1) kl_divergence = kl_divergence_z reconst_loss = self.get_reconstruction_loss(x, px_rate, px_r, px_dropout) return reconst_loss + kl_divergence_l, kl_divergence, 0.0
[docs]class LDVAE(VAE): """Linear-decoded Variational auto-encoder model. Implementation of [Svensson20]_. This model uses a linear decoder, directly mapping the latent representation to gene expression levels. It still uses a deep neural network to encode the latent representation. Compared to standard VAE, this model is less powerful, but can be used to inspect which genes contribute to variation in the dataset. It may also be used for all scVI tasks, like differential expression, batch correction, imputation, etc. However, batch correction may be less powerful as it assumes a linear model. Parameters ---------- n_input Number of input genes n_batch Number of batches n_labels Number of labels n_hidden Number of nodes per hidden layer (for encoder) n_latent Dimensionality of the latent space n_layers_encoder Number of hidden layers used for encoder NNs dropout_rate Dropout rate for neural networks dispersion One of the following * ``'gene'`` - dispersion parameter of NB is constant per gene across cells * ``'gene-batch'`` - dispersion can differ between different batches * ``'gene-label'`` - dispersion can differ between different labels * ``'gene-cell'`` - dispersion can differ for every gene in every cell log_variational Log(data+1) prior to encoding for numerical stability. Not normalization. reconstruction_loss One of * ``'nb'`` - Negative binomial distribution * ``'zinb'`` - Zero-inflated negative binomial distribution use_batch_norm Bool whether to use batch norm in decoder bias Bool whether to have bias term in linear decoder """ def __init__( self, n_input: int, n_batch: int = 0, n_labels: int = 0, n_hidden: int = 128, n_latent: int = 10, n_layers_encoder: int = 1, dropout_rate: float = 0.1, dispersion: str = "gene", log_variational: bool = True, reconstruction_loss: str = "nb", use_batch_norm: bool = True, bias: bool = False, latent_distribution: str = "normal", ): super().__init__( n_input, n_batch, n_labels, n_hidden, n_latent, n_layers_encoder, dropout_rate, dispersion, log_variational, reconstruction_loss, latent_distribution, ) self.use_batch_norm = use_batch_norm self.z_encoder = Encoder( n_input, n_latent, n_layers=n_layers_encoder, n_hidden=n_hidden, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, distribution=latent_distribution, ) self.decoder = LinearDecoderSCVI( n_latent, n_input, n_cat_list=[n_batch], use_batch_norm=use_batch_norm, bias=bias, )
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def get_loadings(self) -> np.ndarray: """Extract per-gene weights (for each Z, shape is genes by dim(Z)) in the linear decoder.""" # This is BW, where B is diag(b) batch norm, W is weight matrix if self.use_batch_norm is True: w = self.decoder.factor_regressor.fc_layers[0][0].weight bn = self.decoder.factor_regressor.fc_layers[0][1] sigma = torch.sqrt(bn.running_var + bn.eps) gamma = bn.weight b = gamma / sigma bI = torch.diag(b) loadings = torch.matmul(bI, w) else: loadings = self.decoder.factor_regressor.fc_layers[0][0].weight loadings = loadings.detach().cpu().numpy() if self.n_batch > 1: loadings = loadings[:, : -self.n_batch] return loadings