10. Advanced autotune tutorial

DISCLAIMER: Most experiments in this notebook require one or more GPUs to keep their runtime a matter of hours. DISCLAIMER: To use our new autotune feature in parallel mode, you need to install `MongoDb <https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/>`__ first.

In this notebook, we give an in-depth tutorial on scVI’s new autotune module.

Overall, the new module enables users to perform parallel hyperparemter search for any scVI model and on any number of GPUs/CPUs. Although, the search may be performed sequentially using only one GPU/CPU, we will focus on the paralel case. Note that GPUs provide a much faster approach as they are particularly suitable for neural networks gradient back-propagation.

Additionally, we provide the code used to generate the results presented in our Hyperoptimization blog post. For an in-depth analysis of the results obtained on three gold standard scRNAseq datasets (Cortex, PBMC and BrainLarge), please to the above blog post. In the blog post, we also suggest guidelines on how and when to use our auto-tuning feature.

import sys


%matplotlib inline
import logging
import os
import pickle

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from hyperopt import hp

from scvi.dataset import BrainLargeDataset, CortexDataset, LoomDataset, PbmcDataset
from scvi.inference import UnsupervisedTrainer
from scvi.inference.autotune import auto_tune_scvi_model
from scvi.models import VAE
[ ]:
logger = logging.getLogger("scvi.inference.autotune")
def allow_notebook_for_test():
    print("Testing the autotune advanced notebook")

test_mode = False

def if_not_test_else(x, y):
    if not test_mode:
        return x
        return y

save_path = "data/"
n_epochs = if_not_test_else(1000, 1)
n_epochs_brain_large = if_not_test_else(50, 1)
max_evals = if_not_test_else(100, 1)
reserve_timeout = if_not_test_else(180, 5)
fmin_timeout = if_not_test_else(300, 10)

10.1. Default usage

For the sake of principled simplicity, we provide an all-default approach to hyperparameter search for any scVI model. The few lines below present an example of how to perform hyper-parameter search for scVI on the Cortex dataset.

Note that, by default, the model used is scVI’s VAE and the trainer is the UnsupervisedTrainer

Also, the default search space is as follows: * n_latent: [5, 15] * n_hidden: {64, 128, 256} * n_layers: [1, 5] * dropout_rate: {0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7} * reconstruction_loss: {“zinb”, “nb”} * lr: {0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001}

On a more practical note, verbosity varies in the following way: * logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) will show a progress bar. * logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) will show global logs including the number of jobs done. * logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) will show detailed logs for each training (e.g the parameters tested).

This function’s behaviour can be customized, please refer to the rest of this tutorial as well as its documentation for information about the different parameters available.

10.1.1. Running the hyperoptimization process.

[ ]:
cortex_dataset = CortexDataset(save_path=save_path)
INFO:scvi.dataset.dataset:File tests/data/expression.bin already downloaded
INFO:scvi.dataset.cortex:Loading Cortex data
best_trainer, trials = auto_tune_scvi_model(
    train_func_specific_kwargs={"n_epochs": n_epochs},
 100%|███████| 100/100 [3:21:15<00:00, 102.45s/it]

10.1.2. Returned objects

The trials object contains detailed information about each run. trials.trials is an Iterable in which each element corresponds to a single run. It can be used as a dictionary for wich the key “result” yields a dictionnary containing the outcome of the run as defined in our default objective function (or the user’s custom version). For example, it will contain information on the hyperparameters used (under the “space” key), the resulting metric (under the “loss” key) or the status of the run.

The best_trainer object can be used directly as an scVI Trainer object. It is the result of a training on the whole dataset provided using the optimal set of hyperparameters found.

10.2. Custom hyperamater space

Although our default can be a good one in a number of cases, we still provide an easy way to use custom values for the hyperparameters search space. These are broken down in three categories: * Hyperparameters for the Trainer instance. (if any) * Hyperparameters for the Trainer instance’s train method. (e.g lr) * Hyperparameters for the model instance. (e.g n_layers)

To build your own hyperparameter space follow the scheme used in scVI’s codebase as well as the sample below. Note the various spaces you define, have to follow the hyperopt syntax, for which you can find a detailed description here.

For example, if you were to want to search over a continuous range of droupouts varying in [0.1, 0.3] and for a continuous learning rate varying in [0.001, 0.0001], you could use the following search space.

[ ]:
space = {
    "model_tunable_kwargs": {"dropout_rate": hp.uniform("dropout_rate", 0.1, 0.3)},
    "train_func_tunable_kwargs": {"lr": hp.loguniform("lr", -4.0, -3.0)},

best_trainer, trials = auto_tune_scvi_model(
    train_func_specific_kwargs={"n_epochs": n_epochs},

10.3. Custom objective metric

By default, our autotune process tracks the marginal negative log likelihood of the best state of the model according ot the held-out Evidence Lower BOund (ELBO). But, if you want to track a different early stopping metric and optimize a different loss you can use auto_tune_scvi_model’s parameters.

For example, if for some reason, you had a dataset coming from two batches (i.e two merged datasets) and wanted to optimize the hyperparameters for the batch mixing entropy. You could use the code below, which makes use of the metric_name argument of auto_tune_scvi_model. This can work for any metric that is implemented in the Posterior class you use. You may also specify the name of the Posterior attribute you want to use (e.g “train_set”).

[ ]:
pbmc_dataset = PbmcDataset(
    save_path=save_path, save_path_10X=os.path.join(save_path, "10X")
[ ]:
best_trainer, trials = auto_tune_scvi_model(
    train_func_specific_kwargs={"n_epochs": n_epochs},

10.4. Custom objective function

Below, we describe, using one of our Synthetic dataset, how to tune our annotation model SCANVI for, e.g, better accuracy on a 20% subset of the labelled data. Note that the model is trained in a semi-supervised framework, that is why we have a labelled and unlabelled dataset. Please, refer to the original paper for details on SCANVI!

In this case, as described in our annotation notebook we may want to form the labelled/unlabelled sets using batch indices. Unfortunately, that requires a little “by hand” work. Even in that case, we are able to leverage the new autotune module to perform hyperparameter tuning. In order to do so, one has to write his own objective function and feed it to auto_tune_scvi_model.

One can proceed as described below. Note three important conditions: * Since it is going to be pickled the objective should not be implemented in the “main” module, i.e an executable script or a notebook. * the objective should have the search space as its first attribute and a boolean is_best_training as its second. * If not using a cutstom search space, it should be expected to take the form of a dictionary with the following keys: * "model_tunable_kwargs" * "trainer_tunable_kwargs" * "train_func_tunable_kwargs"

[ ]:
synthetic_dataset = LoomDataset(
    save_path=os.path.join(save_path, "simulation/"),
[ ]:
from notebooks.utils.autotune_advanced_notebook import custom_objective_hyperopt
[ ]:
objective_kwargs = dict(dataset=synthetic_dataset, n_epochs=n_epochs)
best_trainer, trials = auto_tune_scvi_model(

10.5. Delayed populating, for very large datasets.

DISCLAIMER: We don’t actually need this for the BrainLarge dataset with 720 genes, this is just an example.

The fact is that after building the objective function and feeding it to hyperopt, it is pickled on to the MongoWorkers. Thus, if you pass a loaded dataset as a partial argument to the objective function, and this dataset exceeds 4Gb, you’ll get a PickleError (Objects larger than 4Gb can’t be pickled).

To remedy this issue, in case you have a very large dataset for which you want to perform hyperparameter optimization, you should subclass scVI’s DownloadableDataset or use one of its many existing subclasses, such that the dataset can be populated inside the objective function which is called by each worker.

[ ]:
brain_large_dataset = BrainLargeDataset(save_path=save_path, delayed_populating=True)
best_trainer, trials = auto_tune_scvi_model(
        "early_stopping_kwargs": {
            "early_stopping_metric": "elbo",
            "save_best_state_metric": "elbo",
            "patience": 20,
            "threshold": 0,
            "reduce_lr_on_plateau": True,
            "lr_patience": 10,
            "lr_factor": 0.2,
    train_func_specific_kwargs={"n_epochs": n_epochs_brain_large},

10.6. Blog post reproducibility

Below, we provide some code to reproduce the results of our blog post on hyperparameter search with scVI. Note, that this can also be used as a tutorial on how to make senss of the output of the autotuning process, the Trials object.

10.7. Cortex, Pbmc and BrainLarge hyperparameter optimization

First off, we run the default hyperparameter optimization procedure (default search space, 100 runs) on each of the three dataset of our study: * The Cortex dataset (done above) * The Pbmc dataset * The Brain Large dataset (done above)

[ ]:
best_trainer, trials = auto_tune_scvi_model(
    train_func_specific_kwargs={"n_epochs": n_epochs},
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting experiment: pbmc_bis
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Using default parameter search space.
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:Fixed parameters:
{'early_stopping_kwargs': {'early_stopping_metric': 'll', 'save_best_state_metric': 'll', 'patience': 50, 'threshold': 0, 'reduce_lr_on_plateau': False, 'lr_patience': 25, 'lr_factor': 0.2}}
train method:
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting parallel hyperoptimization
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting MongoDb process, logs redirected to ./mongo/mongo_logfile.txt.
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting minimization procedure
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting worker launcher
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Instantiating trials object.
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Started waiting for fmin Process.
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Started waiting for Worker Launcher.
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:gpu_ids is None, defaulting to all {n_gpus} GPUs found by torch.
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Calling fmin.
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting 1 worker.s for each of the 1 gpu.s set for use/found.
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting 0 cpu worker.s
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Worker working...
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:PROTOCOL mongo
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:USERNAME None
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:HOSTNAME localhost
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:PORT 1234
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:PATH /scvi_db/jobs
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:AUTH DB None
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:DB scvi_db
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:COLLECTION jobs
DEBUG:hyperopt.mongoexp:job found: SON([('_id', ObjectId('5ce40640cd2327ac67fdbd3e')), ('state', 1), ('tid', 1176), ('spec', None), ('result', SON([('status', 'new')])), ('misc', SON([('tid', 1176), ('cmd', ['domain_attachment', 'FMinIter_Domain']), ('workdir', None), ('idxs', SON([('dropout_rate', [1176]), ('lr', [1176]), ('n_hidden', [1176]), ('n_latent', [1176]), ('n_layers', [1176]), ('reconstruction_loss', [1176])])), ('vals', SON([('dropout_rate', [0]), ('lr', [1]), ('n_hidden', [0]), ('n_latent', [4]), ('n_layers', [4]), ('reconstruction_loss', [0])]))])), ('exp_key', 'pbmc_bis'), ('owner', ['ip-172-31-3-254:19748']), ('version', 0), ('book_time', datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21, 14, 8, 1, 246000)), ('refresh_time', datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21, 14, 8, 1, 246000))])
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Listener listening...
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:Parameters being tested:
{'dropout_rate': 0.1, 'n_hidden': 64, 'n_latent': 9, 'n_layers': 5, 'reconstruction_loss': 'zinb'}
{'early_stopping_kwargs': {'early_stopping_metric': 'll', 'save_best_state_metric': 'll', 'patience': 50, 'threshold': 0, 'reduce_lr_on_plateau': False, 'lr_patience': 25, 'lr_factor': 0.2}, 'use_cuda': True, 'show_progbar': False, 'frequency': 1}
train method:
{'lr': 0.005, 'n_epochs': 1000}
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Instantiating model
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Instantiating trainer
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting training
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Finished training
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Training of 256 epochs finished in 0:11:10.437926 with loss = 1323.5555671392826
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:job finished: 5ce40640cd2327ac67fdbd3e
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:1 job.s done
DEBUG:hyperopt.mongoexp:job found: SON([('_id', ObjectId('5ce40641cd2327ac67fdbd3f')), ('state', 1), ('tid', 1177), ('spec', None), ('result', SON([('status', 'new')])), ('misc', SON([('tid', 1177), ('cmd', ['domain_attachment', 'FMinIter_Domain']), ('workdir', None), ('idxs', SON([('dropout_rate', [1177]), ('lr', [1177]), ('n_hidden', [1177]), ('n_latent', [1177]), ('n_layers', [1177]), ('reconstruction_loss', [1177])])), ('vals', SON([('dropout_rate', [4]), ('lr', [4]), ('n_hidden', [1]), ('n_latent', [4]), ('n_layers', [2]), ('reconstruction_loss', [1])]))])), ('exp_key', 'pbmc_bis'), ('owner', ['ip-172-31-3-254:19748']), ('version', 0), ('book_time', datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21, 14, 19, 11, 962000)), ('refresh_time', datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21, 14, 19, 11, 962000))])
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:Parameters being tested:
{'dropout_rate': 0.9, 'n_hidden': 128, 'n_latent': 9, 'n_layers': 3, 'reconstruction_loss': 'nb'}
{'early_stopping_kwargs': {'early_stopping_metric': 'll', 'save_best_state_metric': 'll', 'patience': 50, 'threshold': 0, 'reduce_lr_on_plateau': False, 'lr_patience': 25, 'lr_factor': 0.2}, 'use_cuda': True, 'show_progbar': False, 'frequency': 1}
train method:
{'lr': 0.0001, 'n_epochs': 1000}
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Instantiating model
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Instantiating trainer
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting training
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Finished training
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Training of 1002 epochs finished in 0:35:13.787563 with loss = 1374.7283445840283
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:job finished: 5ce40641cd2327ac67fdbd3f
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:2 job.s done
DEBUG:hyperopt.mongoexp:job found: SON([('_id', ObjectId('5ce408e0cd2327ac67fdbd40')), ('state', 1), ('tid', 1178), ('spec', None), ('result', SON([('status', 'new')])), ('misc', SON([('tid', 1178), ('cmd', ['domain_attachment', 'FMinIter_Domain']), ('workdir', None), ('idxs', SON([('dropout_rate', [1178]), ('lr', [1178]), ('n_hidden', [1178]), ('n_latent', [1178]), ('n_layers', [1178]), ('reconstruction_loss', [1178])])), ('vals', SON([('dropout_rate', [0]), ('lr', [3]), ('n_hidden', [0]), ('n_latent', [3]), ('n_layers', [3]), ('reconstruction_loss', [0])]))])), ('exp_key', 'pbmc_bis'), ('owner', ['ip-172-31-3-254:19748']), ('version', 0), ('book_time', datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21, 14, 54, 26, 16000)), ('refresh_time', datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21, 14, 54, 26, 16000))])
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:Parameters being tested:
{'dropout_rate': 0.1, 'n_hidden': 64, 'n_latent': 8, 'n_layers': 4, 'reconstruction_loss': 'zinb'}
{'early_stopping_kwargs': {'early_stopping_metric': 'll', 'save_best_state_metric': 'll', 'patience': 50, 'threshold': 0, 'reduce_lr_on_plateau': False, 'lr_patience': 25, 'lr_factor': 0.2}, 'use_cuda': True, 'show_progbar': False, 'frequency': 1}
train method:
{'lr': 0.0005, 'n_epochs': 1000}
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Instantiating model
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Instantiating trainer
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting training
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Finished training
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Training of 681 epochs finished in 0:27:37.825918 with loss = 1323.6787068650958
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:job finished: 5ce408e0cd2327ac67fdbd40
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:3 job.s done
DEBUG:hyperopt.mongoexp:job found: SON([('_id', ObjectId('5ce41122cd2327ac67fdbd41')), ('state', 1), ('tid', 1179), ('spec', None), ('result', SON([('status', 'new')])), ('misc', SON([('tid', 1179), ('cmd', ['domain_attachment', 'FMinIter_Domain']), ('workdir', None), ('idxs', SON([('dropout_rate', [1179]), ('lr', [1179]), ('n_hidden', [1179]), ('n_latent', [1179]), ('n_layers', [1179]), ('reconstruction_loss', [1179])])), ('vals', SON([('dropout_rate', [2]), ('lr', [1]), ('n_hidden', [2]), ('n_latent', [2]), ('n_layers', [4]), ('reconstruction_loss', [1])]))])), ('exp_key', 'pbmc_bis'), ('owner', ['ip-172-31-3-254:19748']), ('version', 0), ('book_time', datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21, 15, 22, 4, 77000)), ('refresh_time', datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21, 15, 22, 4, 77000))])
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:Parameters being tested:
{'dropout_rate': 0.5, 'n_hidden': 256, 'n_latent': 7, 'n_layers': 5, 'reconstruction_loss': 'nb'}
{'early_stopping_kwargs': {'early_stopping_metric': 'll', 'save_best_state_metric': 'll', 'patience': 50, 'threshold': 0, 'reduce_lr_on_plateau': False, 'lr_patience': 25, 'lr_factor': 0.2}, 'use_cuda': True, 'show_progbar': False, 'frequency': 1}
train method:
{'lr': 0.005, 'n_epochs': 1000}
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Instantiating model
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Instantiating trainer
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting training
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Finished training
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Training of 240 epochs finished in 0:09:53.742285 with loss = 1326.2741477272727
INFO:hyperopt.mongoexp:job finished: 5ce41122cd2327ac67fdbd41
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:4 job.s done
DEBUG:hyperopt.mongoexp:job found: SON([('_id', ObjectId('5ce4179ccd2327ac67fdbd42')), ('state', 1), ('tid', 1180), ('spec', None), ('result', SON([('status', 'new')])), ('misc', SON([('tid', 1180), ('cmd', ['domain_attachment', 'FMinIter_Domain']), ('workdir', None), ('idxs', SON([('dropout_rate', [1180]), ('lr', [1180]), ('n_hidden', [1180]), ('n_latent', [1180]), ('n_layers', [1180]), ('reconstruction_loss', [1180])])), ('vals', SON([('dropout_rate', [2]), ('lr', [3]), ('n_hidden', [1]), ('n_latent', [9]), ('n_layers', [1]), ('reconstruction_loss', [0])]))])), ('exp_key', 'pbmc_bis'), ('owner', ['ip-172-31-3-254:19748']), ('version', 0), ('book_time', datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21, 15, 31, 58, 54000)), ('refresh_time', datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21, 15, 31, 58, 54000))])
INFO:scvi.inference.autotune:Parameters being tested:
{'dropout_rate': 0.5, 'n_hidden': 128, 'n_latent': 14, 'n_layers': 2, 'reconstruction_loss': 'zinb'}
{'early_stopping_kwargs': {'early_stopping_metric': 'll', 'save_best_state_metric': 'll', 'patience': 50, 'threshold': 0, 'reduce_lr_on_plateau': False, 'lr_patience': 25, 'lr_factor': 0.2}, 'use_cuda': True, 'show_progbar': False, 'frequency': 1}
train method:
{'lr': 0.0005, 'n_epochs': 1000}
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Instantiating model
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Instantiating trainer
DEBUG:scvi.inference.autotune:Starting training

10.8. Handy class to handle the results of each experiment

In the helper, autotune_advanced_notebook.py we have implemented a Benchmarkable class which will help with things such as benchmark computation, results visualisation in dataframes, etc.

[ ]:
from notebooks.utils.autotune_advanced_notebook import Benchmarkable

10.9. Make experiment benchmarkables

Below, we use our helper class to store and process the results of the experiments. It allows us to generate: * Imputed values from scVI * Dataframes containing: * For each dataset, the results of each trial along with the parameters used. * For all dataset, the best result and the associated hyperparameters

results_path = "."

10.9.1. Compute imputed values

[ ]:
cortex = Benchmarkable(
    global_path=results_path, exp_key="cortex_dataset", name="Cortex tuned"
pbmc = Benchmarkable(
    global_path=results_path, exp_key="pbmc_dataset", name="Pbmc tuned"
brain_large = Benchmarkable(
    global_path=results_path, exp_key="brain_large_dataset", name="Brain Large tuned"
training: 100%|██████████| 248/248 [01:04<00:00,  3.90it/s]

Median of Median: 2.0815
Mean of Median for each cell: 2.8750
training: 100%|██████████| 160/160 [03:10<00:00,  1.19s/it]

Median of Median: 0.8515
Mean of Median for each cell: 0.9372
training: 100%|██████████| 170/170 [03:40<00:00,  1.29s/it]

Median of Median: 0.8394
Mean of Median for each cell: 0.9246
training:  88%|████████▊ | 44/50 [1:24:35<11:31, 115.28s/it]

10.10. Compute results with default parameters

Below we compute the results obtained with default hyperparameters for each dataset in the study.

10.10.1. Train each VAE

[ ]:
n_epochs_one_shot = if_not_test_else(400, 1)
vae = VAE(cortex_dataset.nb_genes, n_batch=cortex_dataset.n_batches * False)
trainer = UnsupervisedTrainer(
    vae, cortex_dataset, train_size=0.75, use_cuda=True, frequency=1
trainer.train(n_epochs=n_epochs_one_shot, lr=1e-3)
with open("trainer_cortex_one_shot", "wb") as f:
    pickle.dump(trainer, f)
with open("model_cortex_one_shot", "wb") as f:
    torch.save(vae, f)
training: 100%|██████████| 400/400 [02:31<00:00,  2.63it/s]
vae = VAE(pbmc_dataset.nb_genes, n_batch=pbmc_dataset.n_batches * False)
trainer = UnsupervisedTrainer(
    vae, pbmc_dataset, train_size=0.75, use_cuda=True, frequency=1
trainer.train(n_epochs=n_epochs_one_shot, lr=1e-3)
with open("trainer_pbmc_one_shot", "wb") as f:
    pickle.dump(trainer, f)
with open("model_pbmc_one_shot", "wb") as f:
    torch.save(vae, f)
training: 100%|██████████| 400/400 [15:54<00:00,  2.39s/it]
vae = VAE(brain_large_dataset.nb_genes, n_batch=brain_large_dataset.n_batches * False)
trainer = UnsupervisedTrainer(
    vae, brain_large_dataset, train_size=0.75, use_cuda=True, frequency=1
trainer.train(n_epochs=n_epochs_brain_large, lr=1e-3)
with open("trainer_brain_large_one_shot", "wb") as f:
    pickle.dump(trainer, f)
with open("model_brain_large_one_shot", "wb") as f:
    torch.save(vae, f)
training: 100%|██████████| 50/50 [2:28:23<00:00, 178.25s/it]

Again, we use our helper class to contain, preprocess and access the results of each experiment.

cortex_one_shot = Benchmarkable(
    name="Cortex default",
pbmc_one_shot = Benchmarkable(
    name="Pbmc default",
brain_large_one_shot = Benchmarkable(
    name="Brain Large default",
training: 100%|██████████| 400/400 [02:32<00:00,  2.63it/s]

Median of Median: 2.3032
Mean of Median for each cell: 3.2574
training: 100%|██████████| 400/400 [15:54<00:00,  2.38s/it]

Median of Median: 0.8406
Mean of Median for each cell: 0.9256
training: 100%|██████████| 50/50 [2:27:55<00:00, 177.71s/it]

Median of Median: 0.0000
Mean of Median for each cell: 0.4581

10.11. Hyperparameter space DataFrame

Our helper class allows us to get a dataframe per experiment resuming the results of each trial.

cortex_df = cortex.get_param_df()
marginal_ll n_layers n_hidden n_latent reconstruction_loss dropout_rate lr n_epochs n_params run index
1 1218.52 1 256 10 zinb 0.1 0.01 248 290816 92
2 1218.7 1 128 12 zinb 0.1 0.01 382 145920 80
3 1219.7 1 256 10 zinb 0.1 0.01 365 290816 85
4 1220.06 1 256 10 zinb 0.1 0.01 275 290816 91
5 1223.09 1 128 10 zinb 0.1 0.01 440 145408 83
6 1223.2 1 128 12 zinb 0.5 0.005 703 145920 38
7 1223.53 1 256 10 zinb 0.1 0.001 514 290816 97
8 1223.94 1 128 12 zinb 0.5 0.01 542 145920 74
9 1224.37 1 128 12 zinb 0.5 0.01 524 145920 76
10 1224.37 1 128 12 zinb 0.5 0.01 497 145920 71
11 1225.6 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.005 596 144384 24
12 1225.73 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.01 565 144384 25
13 1225.76 1 128 14 zinb 0.5 0.01 421 146432 31
14 1225.83 1 128 13 zinb 0.5 0.01 560 146176 28
15 1225.86 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.01 496 144384 67
16 1225.9 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.01 512 144384 66
17 1226.23 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.01 508 144384 68
18 1226.23 1 128 6 zinb 0.1 0.01 388 144384 23
19 1226.52 1 128 10 zinb 0.5 0.01 491 145408 29
20 1226.63 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.01 554 144384 70
21 1226.65 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.01 458 144384 27
22 1226.71 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.01 536 144384 69
23 1226.93 1 128 14 zinb 0.5 0.005 596 146432 59
24 1227.18 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.01 493 144384 26
25 1227.33 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.005 702 144384 22
26 1227.9 2 256 10 zinb 0.1 0.01 266 421888 89
27 1228.21 1 128 6 zinb 0.1 0.005 457 144384 21
28 1228.99 1 256 6 zinb 0.1 0.005 295 288768 17
29 1230.29 1 256 7 zinb 0.5 0.005 530 289280 47
30 1230.48 1 256 10 nb 0.1 0.01 335 290816 88
31 1230.94 2 256 14 zinb 0.1 0.01 405 423936 96
32 1231.77 2 128 11 zinb 0.3 0.005 580 178432 16
33 1238.09 1 256 8 nb 0.5 0.005 877 289792 50
34 1238.13 1 128 12 nb 0.1 0.001 643 145920 84
35 1238.17 4 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.01 289 683008 95
36 1238.57 4 256 10 zinb 0.1 0.01 343 684032 87
37 1238.77 4 256 5 zinb 0.1 0.001 499 681472 9
38 1238.96 1 128 6 zinb 0.7 0.005 664 144384 62
39 1239.09 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.001 993 144384 30
40 1240.54 1 64 15 zinb 0.5 0.01 527 73344 39
41 1241.08 3 256 10 zinb 0.1 0.01 357 552960 90
42 1241.39 3 128 5 zinb 0.1 0.001 661 209664 64
43 1241.46 4 256 11 zinb 0.1 0.0005 550 684544 19
44 1241.7 1 64 12 zinb 0.5 0.01 500 72960 77
45 1241.74 1 256 5 nb 0.1 0.005 464 288256 53
46 1242.13 2 128 12 zinb 0.3 0.01 484 178688 81
47 1242.96 3 64 13 zinb 0.1 0.01 546 89472 82
48 1244.33 2 256 9 nb 0.5 0.005 803 421376 63
49 1245.95 2 256 7 nb 0.1 0.001 458 420352 58
50 1253.61 3 256 9 nb 0.1 0.0005 540 552448 98
51 1254.13 5 256 7 zinb 0.1 0.01 407 813568 94
52 1257.09 3 256 12 nb 0.5 0.005 685 553984 43
53 1260.27 3 256 7 zinb 0.3 0.0005 669 551424 8
54 1260.59 3 256 14 zinb 0.3 0.0005 619 555008 18
55 1261.66 4 128 12 zinb 0.3 0.005 799 244224 41
56 1262.43 3 128 10 zinb 0.5 0.005 606 210944 57
57 1263.45 5 128 10 zinb 0.1 0.0005 674 276480 86
58 1263.61 1 64 11 zinb 0.7 0.005 887 72832 55
59 1265.92 2 128 9 zinb 0.3 0.0005 783 177920 51
60 1269.22 4 128 12 zinb 0.5 0.005 606 244224 73
61 1270.39 5 128 12 zinb 0.5 0.01 599 276992 78
62 1270.91 4 128 12 zinb 0.5 0.01 506 244224 32
63 1274.21 4 128 13 zinb 0.3 0.0005 935 244480 56
64 1274.98 1 64 7 nb 0.7 0.005 640 72320 6
65 1282.63 4 128 14 nb 0.5 0.01 583 244736 0
66 1283.68 5 64 15 nb 0.1 0.0005 735 106112 3
67 1286.75 4 256 12 nb 0.7 0.01 590 685056 79
68 1286.77 1 128 13 zinb 0.9 0.005 495 146176 44
69 1287.13 1 128 12 zinb 0.9 0.005 566 145920 75
70 1287.57 3 128 5 nb 0.3 0.001 540 209664 46
71 1291.13 5 128 15 nb 0.5 0.005 986 277760 34
72 1299.72 5 128 11 zinb 0.3 0.0005 768 276736 65
73 1306.11 1 128 6 zinb 0.5 0.001 994 144384 35
74 1319.24 2 256 12 zinb 0.9 0.005 637 422912 7
75 1321.87 5 128 11 zinb 0.1 0.0001 998 276736 48
76 1335.01 5 64 12 zinb 0.7 0.005 382 105728 42
77 1345.81 5 64 5 nb 0.3 0.0005 741 104832 10
78 1349.62 2 128 12 nb 0.9 0.005 705 178688 40
79 1370.89 2 64 8 nb 0.9 0.005 526 80640 12
80 1373.79 1 128 9 zinb 0.5 0.0001 949 145152 33
81 1391.54 2 64 15 nb 0.3 0.0001 999 81536 4
82 1398.38 1 128 15 zinb 0.5 0.0001 769 146688 72
83 1399.38 1 256 5 zinb 0.1 0.0001 987 288256 99
84 1419.98 1 256 10 nb 0.1 0.0001 903 290816 93
85 1436.06 5 128 15 zinb 0.5 0.0001 774 277760 54
86 1463.22 4 128 8 zinb 0.9 0.01 382 243200 36
87 1510.45 3 128 13 zinb 0.7 0.0005 168 211712 14
88 1512.93 3 128 8 zinb 0.7 0.0005 151 210432 5
89 1523.67 5 128 5 zinb 0.7 0.0005 257 275200 11
90 1542.96 4 256 9 zinb 0.7 0.0001 482 683520 2
91 1554.98 2 64 10 zinb 0.7 0.005 256 80896 45
92 1559.01 5 64 7 nb 0.5 0.0001 457 105088 37
93 1601.53 3 64 10 nb 0.7 0.001 88 89088 15
94 1612.9 4 64 14 zinb 0.7 0.005 71 97792 49
95 1615.22 2 256 9 nb 0.9 0.0001 197 421376 20
96 1746.25 3 128 12 zinb 0.9 0.001 134 211456 52
97 1818.82 1 64 12 zinb 0.9 0.0005 54 72960 60
98 6574.57 1 128 8 zinb 0.5 0.0001 4 144896 61
99 10680.4 5 64 12 zinb 0.3 0.0001 2 105728 1
100 NaN 2 64 6 zinb 0.9 0.0001 31 80384 13
pbmc_df = pbmc.get_param_df()
marginal_ll n_layers n_hidden n_latent reconstruction_loss dropout_rate lr n_epochs n_params run index
1 1323.79 1 128 10 nb 0.3 0.01 160 859136 29
2 1323.88 1 128 13 nb 0.3 0.005 238 859904 84
3 1324.08 1 128 15 nb 0.3 0.01 172 860416 37
4 1324.1 1 128 14 nb 0.3 0.005 275 860160 68
5 1324.24 1 128 14 nb 0.3 0.005 271 860160 65
6 1324.4 1 128 14 nb 0.3 0.005 196 860160 61
7 1324.53 1 128 13 zinb 0.3 0.001 411 859904 90
8 1324.55 1 128 6 zinb 0.3 0.001 419 858112 75
9 1324.58 1 256 8 nb 0.3 0.01 141 1717248 92
10 1324.62 1 128 11 nb 0.3 0.005 227 859392 70
11 1324.68 1 128 5 nb 0.1 0.01 180 857856 97
12 1324.74 1 128 13 nb 0.3 0.0005 624 859904 88
13 1324.77 1 128 14 nb 0.3 0.005 241 860160 67
14 1324.79 1 128 10 nb 0.1 0.001 313 859136 82
15 1324.81 1 128 14 nb 0.3 0.005 231 860160 66
16 1324.82 1 128 14 nb 0.3 0.005 230 860160 69
17 1324.83 2 128 9 nb 0.3 0.01 162 891648 22
18 1324.89 1 128 10 zinb 0.1 0.01 169 859136 59
19 1324.91 1 128 9 zinb 0.3 0.01 175 858880 28
20 1325.03 1 128 13 nb 0.5 0.001 468 859904 54
21 1325.08 1 128 10 nb 0.3 0.005 273 859136 71
22 1325.16 1 128 9 zinb 0.3 0.01 201 858880 30
23 1325.17 1 128 14 nb 0.3 0.01 200 860160 77
24 1325.28 1 128 13 nb 0.3 0.01 204 859904 72
25 1325.53 2 128 5 zinb 0.3 0.01 138 890624 23
26 1325.54 1 64 14 nb 0.3 0.01 225 430080 50
27 1325.55 2 128 15 nb 0.3 0.005 173 893184 73
28 1325.57 3 128 11 nb 0.1 0.01 165 924928 52
29 1325.62 2 128 5 zinb 0.3 0.01 175 890624 27
30 1325.68 1 256 15 nb 0.3 0.001 287 1720832 98
31 1325.83 2 128 9 nb 0.3 0.01 151 891648 26
32 1326.03 2 128 9 zinb 0.3 0.01 168 891648 25
33 1326.03 2 128 14 zinb 0.5 0.001 376 892928 15
34 1326.04 1 128 15 nb 0.5 0.0005 596 860416 48
35 1326.07 2 128 5 nb 0.3 0.01 192 890624 20
36 1326.12 1 64 10 nb 0.3 0.01 287 429568 31
37 1326.16 2 128 9 nb 0.5 0.001 460 891648 24
38 1326.18 2 128 7 nb 0.5 0.001 406 891136 21
39 1326.28 2 256 14 nb 0.1 0.01 109 1851392 19
40 1326.65 3 256 15 nb 0.3 0.005 189 1982976 87
41 1327.05 1 256 15 nb 0.3 0.0005 418 1720832 43
42 1327.06 1 64 7 nb 0.3 0.01 207 429184 35
43 1327.47 3 64 11 nb 0.1 0.005 281 446080 38
44 1327.52 4 128 5 nb 0.3 0.01 173 956160 12
45 1327.55 2 256 6 zinb 0.5 0.0005 484 1847296 9
46 1327.81 1 128 15 nb 0.7 0.001 454 860416 39
47 1328 5 128 6 nb 0.1 0.0005 395 989184 16
48 1328.15 1 128 14 zinb 0.7 0.01 191 860160 85
49 1328.17 1 128 7 zinb 0.7 0.01 339 858368 62
50 1328.25 5 128 13 nb 0.3 0.01 279 990976 45
51 1328.35 5 64 8 zinb 0.1 0.001 383 462080 7
52 1328.36 1 64 10 nb 0.5 0.005 292 429568 42
53 1328.52 5 128 6 nb 0.3 0.001 431 989184 58
54 1328.68 3 256 15 zinb 0.5 0.001 383 1982976 3
55 1328.78 5 128 10 zinb 0.3 0.005 245 990208 53
56 1328.82 3 64 8 nb 0.3 0.005 303 445696 11
57 1328.82 4 128 8 zinb 0.3 0.0005 593 956928 13
58 1328.99 4 256 10 nb 0.5 0.01 258 2111488 76
59 1329.02 3 128 6 zinb 0.3 0.0005 541 923648 95
60 1329.1 3 64 12 nb 0.3 0.0005 652 446208 57
61 1329.11 3 64 10 nb 0.1 0.001 409 445952 46
62 1329.17 4 256 6 nb 0.3 0.0005 431 2109440 51
63 1329.36 1 128 12 nb 0.7 0.01 286 859648 44
64 1330.12 1 128 12 nb 0.1 0.0001 923 859648 74
65 1330.57 4 128 13 nb 0.5 0.01 246 958208 91
66 1330.59 4 128 7 nb 0.5 0.005 268 956672 99
67 1331.04 2 128 12 nb 0.7 0.005 452 892416 93
68 1331.31 5 256 9 nb 0.3 0.0005 400 2242048 81
69 1331.92 1 128 15 nb 0.3 0.0001 999 860416 41
70 1332.08 1 128 11 nb 0.3 0.0001 991 859392 32
71 1333.71 5 64 8 nb 0.3 0.01 321 462080 63
72 1334.2 3 128 15 zinb 0.3 0.0001 998 925952 80
73 1334.2 3 256 15 zinb 0.5 0.0001 987 1982976 4
74 1335.42 1 128 10 nb 0.1 0.0001 822 859136 34
75 1335.43 4 256 15 nb 0.7 0.01 352 2114048 55
76 1335.46 4 128 11 nb 0.1 0.0001 992 957696 1
77 1336.01 1 256 13 nb 0.7 0.0001 996 1719808 2
78 1336.85 4 256 15 nb 0.5 0.0001 995 2114048 60
79 1337.03 4 256 13 zinb 0.7 0.0005 585 2113024 18
80 1337.34 2 64 5 nb 0.7 0.005 336 437120 78
81 1337.93 1 128 14 zinb 0.9 0.001 500 860160 0
82 1338.55 5 64 13 nb 0.1 0.0001 997 462720 89
83 1338.56 1 256 15 nb 0.9 0.01 262 1720832 40
84 1339.85 4 64 11 nb 0.5 0.01 374 454272 83
85 1341.08 5 128 9 nb 0.3 0.0001 991 989952 96
86 1347.57 1 128 8 zinb 0.9 0.01 51 858624 56
87 1348.94 1 128 7 nb 0.9 0.01 57 858368 79
88 1350.36 1 128 10 nb 0.9 0.01 54 859136 33
89 1352.03 4 256 12 zinb 0.9 0.005 344 2112512 6
90 1353.97 5 64 5 nb 0.7 0.01 390 461696 14
91 1359.17 5 64 13 nb 0.7 0.0005 608 462720 8
92 1360.53 4 256 8 nb 0.9 0.005 129 2110464 47
93 1362.3 4 256 6 zinb 0.9 0.005 115 2109440 17
94 1362.45 1 64 10 nb 0.9 0.01 67 429568 94
95 1363.52 3 128 5 nb 0.9 0.0005 516 923392 64
96 1365.34 5 128 14 nb 0.7 0.005 69 991232 10
97 1365.92 3 256 10 zinb 0.9 0.0001 999 1980416 5
98 1368.19 2 128 13 nb 0.9 0.01 51 892672 86
99 1509.34 5 128 7 nb 0.7 0.0001 40 989440 49
100 1595.89 3 128 12 nb 0.9 0.0001 130 925184 36
brain_large_df = brain_large.get_param_df()
marginal_ll n_layers n_hidden n_latent reconstruction_loss dropout_rate lr n_epochs n_params run index
1 138.77 1 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.001 50 372736 67
2 138.779 1 256 15 zinb 0.1 0.001 46 376320 24
3 138.794 1 256 11 zinb 0.1 0.001 48 374272 73
4 138.798 1 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.001 45 372736 38
5 138.81 1 256 10 zinb 0.1 0.001 49 373760 70
6 138.828 1 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.001 46 372736 66
7 138.852 1 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.001 48 372736 41
8 138.894 1 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.001 42 372736 52
9 138.899 1 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.001 47 372736 26
10 138.902 1 256 12 zinb 0.1 0.005 47 374784 62
11 138.904 1 256 12 zinb 0.1 0.0001 47 374784 81
12 138.91 1 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.001 49 372736 47
13 138.911 1 256 9 zinb 0.1 0.0001 45 373248 74
14 138.914 1 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.001 46 372736 68
15 138.971 1 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.001 46 372736 65
16 139.126 1 128 13 nb 0.1 0.0005 49 187648 33
17 139.129 1 128 8 nb 0.1 0.001 48 186368 64
18 139.13 2 256 13 zinb 0.1 0.0005 43 506368 76
19 139.141 1 256 11 zinb 0.1 0.005 46 374272 93
20 139.143 1 128 13 nb 0.1 0.0005 49 187648 16
21 139.163 1 256 6 zinb 0.1 0.001 47 371712 69
22 139.19 1 256 14 nb 0.3 0.0005 46 375808 35
23 139.227 2 256 15 zinb 0.1 0.001 42 507392 99
24 139.251 1 128 11 zinb 0.1 0.001 44 187136 90
25 139.267 1 256 14 zinb 0.3 0.001 46 375808 72
26 139.304 1 256 14 zinb 0.3 0.001 46 375808 21
27 139.333 1 256 9 zinb 0.3 0.001 48 373248 88
28 139.344 1 256 8 nb 0.3 0.001 49 372736 58
29 139.422 1 64 9 zinb 0.1 0.001 48 93312 45
30 139.454 2 256 8 nb 0.1 0.001 45 503808 82
31 139.508 2 128 10 zinb 0.1 0.001 48 219648 25
32 139.528 2 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.0001 47 503808 89
33 139.549 1 64 11 nb 0.1 0.0001 48 93568 97
34 139.59 1 64 13 nb 0.1 0.0005 48 93824 37
35 139.599 2 128 7 nb 0.1 0.0005 49 218880 34
36 139.742 3 256 11 zinb 0.1 0.001 49 636416 91
37 139.749 3 256 8 zinb 0.1 0.005 48 634880 39
38 139.803 3 256 14 zinb 0.1 0.0005 48 637952 83
39 139.825 3 256 7 zinb 0.1 0.001 44 634368 98
40 139.906 1 256 7 zinb 0.5 0.001 48 372224 27
41 139.953 2 128 15 zinb 0.1 0.001 46 220928 15
42 139.974 1 256 5 zinb 0.5 0.001 43 371200 3
43 139.975 1 256 10 zinb 0.5 0.005 48 373760 85
44 139.996 1 256 5 zinb 0.5 0.001 49 371200 20
45 140.024 1 64 13 zinb 0.1 0.01 45 93824 86
46 140.034 2 256 6 zinb 0.3 0.0005 44 502784 23
47 140.093 1 256 14 nb 0.3 0.01 47 375808 36
48 140.155 2 256 14 zinb 0.1 0.01 38 506880 31
49 140.227 1 64 15 zinb 0.3 0.001 48 94080 80
50 140.238 2 128 6 zinb 0.3 0.0005 42 218624 0
51 140.389 1 256 11 zinb 0.5 0.01 47 374272 94
52 140.392 4 256 15 zinb 0.1 0.001 46 769536 57
53 140.466 3 256 10 zinb 0.1 0.01 49 635904 43
54 140.558 3 64 11 zinb 0.1 0.005 49 109952 48
55 140.596 1 256 5 zinb 0.7 0.001 48 371200 60
56 140.603 3 256 15 zinb 0.3 0.0001 47 638464 53
57 140.61 4 128 15 zinb 0.1 0.001 47 286464 29
58 140.612 1 128 15 zinb 0.5 0.001 42 188160 32
59 140.623 4 64 12 zinb 0.1 0.001 47 118272 51
60 140.661 1 256 15 zinb 0.7 0.005 39 376320 77
61 140.669 1 256 6 zinb 0.7 0.001 38 371712 54
62 140.734 3 64 5 zinb 0.1 0.005 49 109184 9
63 140.753 1 256 15 zinb 0.7 0.0001 48 376320 49
64 140.829 2 256 8 zinb 0.5 0.0005 49 503808 71
65 140.856 2 256 5 zinb 0.5 0.0005 47 502272 22
66 140.958 2 128 15 nb 0.3 0.001 49 220928 11
67 141.075 2 128 5 zinb 0.5 0.001 48 218368 28
68 141.513 5 128 5 zinb 0.1 0.001 49 316672 75
69 141.649 5 256 12 nb 0.1 0.005 49 899072 12
70 141.751 4 128 5 zinb 0.3 0.001 40 283904 96
71 141.792 5 64 10 zinb 0.1 0.005 39 126208 55
72 141.858 1 128 13 zinb 0.7 0.0001 48 187648 10
73 141.888 4 256 9 nb 0.5 0.0005 49 766464 8
74 141.906 3 64 9 zinb 0.1 0.0001 47 109696 59
75 141.927 5 256 15 nb 0.5 0.001 49 900608 61
76 141.986 3 128 8 nb 0.3 0.0005 49 251904 6
77 142.044 5 128 9 zinb 0.5 0.005 41 317696 30
78 142.138 3 64 6 nb 0.3 0.0005 49 109312 5
79 142.145 4 256 8 zinb 0.7 0.001 49 765952 40
80 142.154 3 256 8 nb 0.5 0.01 49 634880 78
81 142.165 1 256 15 zinb 0.9 0.001 44 376320 95
82 142.172 3 128 6 nb 0.5 0.005 45 251392 1
83 142.221 2 128 10 zinb 0.5 0.01 30 219648 7
84 142.365 5 256 15 zinb 0.7 0.0001 49 900608 44
85 142.373 5 256 13 nb 0.7 0.0001 49 899584 19
86 142.639 5 128 6 zinb 0.7 0.001 46 316928 84
87 143.32 1 64 7 nb 0.7 0.01 7 93056 2
88 143.498 1 256 6 zinb 0.9 0.005 3 371712 42
89 144.824 1 256 11 zinb 0.9 0.01 0 374272 56
90 146.517 5 64 13 nb 0.7 0.01 17 126592 14
91 146.626 5 64 11 nb 0.7 0.0005 44 126336 92
92 146.757 4 256 12 zinb 0.9 0.001 45 768000 46
93 146.837 4 128 7 zinb 0.9 0.001 33 284416 79
94 146.863 4 256 11 nb 0.9 0.001 42 767488 87
95 147.011 5 256 7 zinb 0.9 0.01 6 896512 50
96 147.021 2 128 12 zinb 0.9 0.001 47 220160 13
97 147.024 4 64 15 zinb 0.9 0.001 37 118656 4
98 147.369 4 64 11 nb 0.9 0.0001 43 118144 18
99 147.459 3 64 11 nb 0.9 0.0001 45 109952 17
100 148.457 4 64 7 zinb 0.9 0.01 0 117632 63

10.12. Best run DataFrame

Using the previous dataframes we are able to build one containing the best results along with the results obtained with the default parameters.

cortex_best = cortex_df.iloc[0]
cortex_best.name = "Cortex tuned"
cortex_default = pd.Series(
        1, 128, 10, "zinb", 0.1, 0.001, 400, None, None
cortex_default.name = "Cortex default"
pbmc_best = pbmc_df.iloc[0]
pbmc_best.name = "Pbmc tuned"
pbmc_default = pd.Series(
        1, 128, 10, "zinb", 0.1, 0.001, 400, None, None
pbmc_default.name = "Pbmc default"
brain_large_best = brain_large_df.iloc[0]
brain_large_best.name = "Brain Large tuned"
brain_large_default = pd.Series(
        1, 128, 10, "zinb", 0.1, 0.001, 400, None, None
brain_large_default.name = "Brain Large default"
df_best = pd.concat(
df_best = df_best.iloc[np.logical_not(np.isin(df_best.index, ["n_params", "run index"]))]
Cortex tuned Cortex default Pbmc tuned 16 GPUs Pbmc default Brain Large tuned Brain Large default
marginal_ll 1218.52 1256.03 1323.44 1327.61 138.77 147.088
n_layers 1 1 1 1 1 1
n_hidden 256 128 256 128 256 128
n_latent 10 10 14 10 8 10
reconstruction_loss zinb zinb zinb zinb zinb zinb
dropout_rate 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1
lr 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.001
n_epochs 248 400 170 400 50 400

10.13. Handy class to compare the results of each experiment

We use a second handy class to compare these results altogether. Specifically, the PlotBenchmarkable allows to retrieve: * A DataFrame containg the runtime information of each experiment. * A DataFrame comparint the different benchmarks (negative marginal LL, imputation) between tuned and default VAEs. * For each dataset, a plot aggregating the ELBO histories of each run.

from notebooks.utils.autotune_advanced_notebook import PlotBenchmarkables
tuned_benchmarkables = {
    "cortex": cortex,
    "pbmc": pbmc,
    "brain large": brain_large,
one_shot_benchmarkables = {
    "cortex": cortex_one_shot,
    "pbmc": pbmc_one_shot,
    "brain large": brain_large_one_shot
plotter = PlotBenchmarkables(

10.14. Runtime DataFrame

df_runtime = plotter.get_runtime_dataframe()
Nb cells Nb genes Total GPU time Total wall time Number of trainings Avg time per training Avg epochs per training Number of GPUs Best epoch Max epoch
cortex 3005 558 8:58:21.324546 9:02:20.162471 100 323.013 532.08 1 248 1000
pbmc 11990 3346 1 day, 23:24:59.874052 3:04:12.595907 100 1707 387.01 1 170 1000
brain large 1303182 720 12 days, 13:55:18.109345 21:38:48.882951 100 10869.2 43.51 16 50 50

10.15. Results DataFrame for best runs

def highlight_min(data, color="yellow"):
    attr = "background-color: {}".format(color)
    if data.ndim == 1:  # Series from .apply(axis=0) or axis=1
        is_min = data == data.min()
        return [attr if v else "" for v in is_min]
    else:  # from .apply(axis=None)
        is_min = data == data.min().min()
        return pd.DataFrame(np.where(is_min, attr, ""),
                            index=data.index, columns=data.columns)
df_results = plotter.get_results_dataframe()
styler = df_results.style.apply(highlight_min, axis=0, subset=pd.IndexSlice["cortex", :])
styler = styler.apply(highlight_min, axis=0, subset=pd.IndexSlice["pbmc", :])
styler = styler.apply(highlight_min, axis=0, subset=pd.IndexSlice["brain large", :])
Likelihood Imputation score
Held-out marginal ll ELBO train ELBO test median mean
cortex tuned 1218.52 1178.52 1231.16 2.08155 2.87502
default 1256.03 1224.18 1274.02 2.30317 3.25738
pbmc tuned 1323.44 1314.07 1328.04 0.83942 0.924637
default 1327.61 1309.9 1334.01 0.840617 0.925628
brain large tuned 138.77 141.783 141.899 0 0.392006
default 147.088 150.897 150.99 0 0.458067

10.16. ELBO Histories plot

In the ELBO histories plotted below, the runs are colored from red to green, where red is the first run and green the last one.

[ ]:
plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 200
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10, 7)
ylims_dict = {
    "cortex": [1225, 1600],
    "pbmc": [1325, 1600],
    "brain large": [140, 160],
plotter.plot_histories(figsize=(17, 5), ylims_dict=ylims_dict, filename="elbo_histories_all", alpha=0.1)