7. Identifying zero-inflated genes with AutoZI

AutoZI is a deep generative model adapted from scVI allowing a gene-specific treatment of zero-inflation. For each gene \(g\), AutoZI notably learns the distribution of a random variable \(\delta_g\) which denotes the probability that gene \(g\) is not zero-inflated. In this notebook, we present the use of the model on a PBMC dataset.

More details about AutoZI can be found in : https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/794875v2

# The next cell is some code we use to keep the notebooks tested.
# Feel free to ignore!
def allow_notebook_for_test():
    print("Testing the totalVI notebook")

show_plot = True
test_mode = False
n_epochs_all = None
save_path = "data/"

if not test_mode:
    save_path = "../../data"

7.1. Imports and data loading

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import anndata
import os

from scvi.dataset import PbmcDataset
from scvi.models import AutoZIVAE
from scvi.inference import UnsupervisedTrainer
[2019-10-12 22:20:45,665] INFO - scvi._settings | Added StreamHandler with custom formatter to 'scvi' logger.
/home/oscar/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.19.2-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/ensemble/weight_boosting.py:29: DeprecationWarning: numpy.core.umath_tests is an internal NumPy module and should not be imported. It will be removed in a future NumPy release.
  from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d
n_genes_to_keep = 100 if test_mode else 1000
pbmc = PbmcDataset(save_path=save_path, save_path_10X=os.path.join(save_path, "10X"))
[2019-10-12 22:20:50,348] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | File /media/storage/Documents/2. Professionnel/UC Berkeley Internship 2019/scVI-C/data/gene_info_pbmc.csv already downloaded
[2019-10-12 22:20:50,349] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | File /media/storage/Documents/2. Professionnel/UC Berkeley Internship 2019/scVI-C/data/pbmc_metadata.pickle already downloaded
[2019-10-12 22:20:50,388] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | File /media/storage/Documents/2. Professionnel/UC Berkeley Internship 2019/scVI-C/data/pbmc8k/filtered_gene_bc_matrices.tar.gz already downloaded
[2019-10-12 22:20:50,389] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset10X | Preprocessing dataset
[2019-10-12 22:21:04,249] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset10X | Finished preprocessing dataset
[2019-10-12 22:21:04,334] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Remapping batch_indices to [0,N]
[2019-10-12 22:21:04,334] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Remapping labels to [0,N]
[2019-10-12 22:21:04,402] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Computing the library size for the new data
[2019-10-12 22:21:04,468] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Downsampled from 8381 to 8381 cells
[2019-10-12 22:21:04,474] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | File /media/storage/Documents/2. Professionnel/UC Berkeley Internship 2019/scVI-C/data/pbmc4k/filtered_gene_bc_matrices.tar.gz already downloaded
[2019-10-12 22:21:04,474] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset10X | Preprocessing dataset
[2019-10-12 22:21:11,745] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset10X | Finished preprocessing dataset
[2019-10-12 22:21:11,793] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Remapping batch_indices to [0,N]
[2019-10-12 22:21:11,794] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Remapping labels to [0,N]
[2019-10-12 22:21:11,823] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Computing the library size for the new data
[2019-10-12 22:21:11,855] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Downsampled from 4340 to 4340 cells
[2019-10-12 22:21:11,902] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Keeping 33694 genes
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,025] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Computing the library size for the new data
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,092] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Remapping batch_indices to [0,N]
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,092] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Remapping labels to [0,N]
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,161] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Computing the library size for the new data
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,195] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Remapping batch_indices to [0,N]
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,196] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Remapping labels to [0,N]
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,333] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Remapping batch_indices to [0,N]
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,334] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Remapping labels to [0,N]
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,441] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Computing the library size for the new data
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,532] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Downsampled from 12721 to 11990 cells
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,581] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Downsampling from 33694 to 3346 genes
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,707] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Computing the library size for the new data
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,731] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Filtering non-expressing cells.
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,761] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Computing the library size for the new data
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,786] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Downsampled from 11990 to 11990 cells
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,859] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Downsampling from 3346 to 1000 genes
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,897] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Computing the library size for the new data
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,916] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Filtering non-expressing cells.
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,936] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Computing the library size for the new data
[2019-10-12 22:21:12,949] INFO - scvi.dataset.dataset | Downsampled from 11990 to 11990 cells

7.2. Analyze gene-specific ZI

In AutoZI, all \(\delta_g\)’s follow a common \(\text{Beta}(\alpha,\beta)\) prior distribution where \(\alpha,\beta \in (0,1)\) and the zero-inflation probability in the ZINB component is bounded below by \(\tau_{\text{dropout}} \in (0,1)\). AutoZI is encoded by the AutoZIVAE class whose inputs, besides the size of the dataset, are \(\alpha\) (alpha_prior), \(\beta\) (beta_prior), \(\tau_{\text{dropout}}\) (minimal_dropout). By default, we set \(\alpha = 0.5, \beta = 0.5, \tau_{\text{dropout}} = 0.01\).

Note : we can learn \(\alpha,\beta\) in an Empirical Bayes fashion, which is possible by setting alpha_prior = None and beta_prior = None

autozivae = AutoZIVAE(n_input=pbmc.nb_genes, alpha_prior=0.5, beta_prior=0.5, minimal_dropout=0.01)
autozitrainer = UnsupervisedTrainer(autozivae, pbmc)

We fit, for each gene \(g\), an approximate posterior distribution \(q(\delta_g) = \text{Beta}(\alpha^g,\beta^g)\) (with \(\alpha^g,\beta^g \in (0,1)\)) on which we rely. We retrieve \(\alpha^g,\beta^g\) for all genes \(g\) (and \(\alpha,\beta\), if learned) as numpy arrays using the method get_alphas_betas of AutoZIVAE.

n_epochs = 200 if n_epochs_all is None else n_epochs_all
autozitrainer.train(n_epochs=n_epochs, lr=1e-2)
training: 100%|██████████| 200/200 [03:58<00:00,  1.20s/it]
outputs = autozivae.get_alphas_betas()
alpha_posterior = outputs['alpha_posterior']
beta_posterior = outputs['beta_posterior']

Now that we obtained fitted \(\alpha^g,\beta^g\), different metrics are possible. Bayesian decision theory suggests us the posterior probability of the zero-inflation hypothesis \(q(\delta_g < 0.5)\), but also other metrics such as the mean wrt \(q\) of \(\delta_g\) are possible. We focus on the former. We decide that gene \(g\) is ZI if and only if \(q(\delta_g < 0.5)\) is greater than a given threshold, say \(0.5\). We may note that it is equivalent to \(\alpha^g < \beta^g\). From this we can deduce the fraction of predicted ZI genes in the dataset.

from scipy.stats import beta

# Threshold (or Kzinb/Knb+Kzinb in paper)
threshold = 0.5

# q(delta_g < 0.5) probabilities
zi_probs = beta.cdf(0.5,alpha_posterior,beta_posterior)

# ZI genes
is_zi_pred = (zi_probs > threshold)

print('Fraction of predicted ZI genes :', is_zi_pred.mean())
Fraction of predicted ZI genes : 0.856

We noted that predictions were less accurate for genes \(g\) whose average expressions - or predicted NB means, equivalently - were low. Indeed, genes assumed not to be ZI were more often predicted as ZI for such low average expressions. A threshold of 1 proved reasonable to separate genes predicted with more or less accuracy. Hence we may want to focus on predictions for genes with average expression above 1.

mask_sufficient_expression = (np.array(pbmc.X.mean(axis=0)) > 1.).reshape(-1)
print('Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 :', mask_sufficient_expression.mean())
print('Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 :', is_zi_pred[mask_sufficient_expression].mean())
Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 : 0.15
Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 : 0.38

7.3. Analyze gene-cell-type-specific ZI

One may argue that zero-inflation should also be treated on the cell-type (or ‘label’) level, in addition to the gene level. AutoZI can be extended by assuming a random variable \(\delta_{gc}\) for each gene \(g\) and cell type \(c\) which denotes the probability that gene \(g\) is not zero-inflated in cell-type \(c\). The analysis above can be extended to this new scale.

# Model definition
autozivae_genelabel = AutoZIVAE(n_input=pbmc.nb_genes, alpha_prior=0.5, beta_prior=0.5, minimal_dropout=0.01,
                         dispersion='gene-label', zero_inflation='gene-label', n_labels=pbmc.n_labels)
autozitrainer_genelabel = UnsupervisedTrainer(autozivae_genelabel, pbmc)

# Training
n_epochs = 200 if n_epochs_all is None else n_epochs_all
autozitrainer_genelabel.train(n_epochs=n_epochs, lr=1e-2)

# Retrieve posterior distribution parameters
outputs_genelabel = autozivae_genelabel.get_alphas_betas()
alpha_posterior_genelabel = outputs_genelabel['alpha_posterior']
beta_posterior_genelabel = outputs_genelabel['beta_posterior']
training: 100%|██████████| 200/200 [04:34<00:00,  1.29s/it]
# q(delta_g < 0.5) probabilities
zi_probs_genelabel = beta.cdf(0.5,alpha_posterior_genelabel,beta_posterior_genelabel)

# ZI gene-cell-types
is_zi_pred_genelabel = (zi_probs_genelabel > threshold)

for ind_cell_type, cell_type in enumerate(pbmc.cell_types):

    is_zi_pred_genelabel_here = is_zi_pred_genelabel[:,ind_cell_type]
    print('Fraction of predicted ZI genes for cell type {} :'.format(cell_type),
Fraction of predicted ZI genes for cell type B cells : 0.636

Fraction of predicted ZI genes for cell type CD14+ Monocytes : 0.619

Fraction of predicted ZI genes for cell type CD4 T cells : 0.711

Fraction of predicted ZI genes for cell type CD8 T cells : 0.582

Fraction of predicted ZI genes for cell type Dendritic Cells : 0.56

Fraction of predicted ZI genes for cell type FCGR3A+ Monocytes : 0.557

Fraction of predicted ZI genes for cell type Megakaryocytes : 0.586

Fraction of predicted ZI genes for cell type NK cells : 0.599

Fraction of predicted ZI genes for cell type Other : 0.65

# With avg expressions > 1
for ind_cell_type, cell_type in enumerate(pbmc.cell_types):
    mask_sufficient_expression = (np.array(pbmc.X[pbmc.labels.reshape(-1) == ind_cell_type,:].mean(axis=0)) > 1.).reshape(-1)
    print('Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type {} :'.format(cell_type),
    is_zi_pred_genelabel_here = is_zi_pred_genelabel[mask_sufficient_expression,ind_cell_type]
    print('Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type {} :'.format(cell_type),
          is_zi_pred_genelabel_here.mean(), '\n')
Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type B cells : 0.089
Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type B cells : 0.16853932584269662

Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type CD14+ Monocytes : 0.169
Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type CD14+ Monocytes : 0.22485207100591717

Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type CD4 T cells : 0.112
Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type CD4 T cells : 0.25892857142857145

Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type CD8 T cells : 0.126
Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type CD8 T cells : 0.21428571428571427

Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type Dendritic Cells : 0.448
Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type Dendritic Cells : 0.359375

Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type FCGR3A+ Monocytes : 0.283
Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type FCGR3A+ Monocytes : 0.3003533568904594

Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type Megakaryocytes : 0.285
Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type Megakaryocytes : 0.39649122807017545

Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type NK cells : 0.153
Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type NK cells : 0.2549019607843137

Fraction of genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type Other : 0.257
Fraction of predicted ZI genes with avg expression > 1 for cell type Other : 0.4085603112840467

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