
CellAssign [1] (Python class CellAssign) is a simple yet, efficient approach for annotating scRNA-seq data in the scenario in which cell-type-specific gene markers are known. The method also allows users to control for nuisance covariates like batch or donor. The scvi-tools implementation of CellAssign uses stochastic inference, such that CellAssign will scale to very large datasets.

The advantages of CellAssign are:

  • Lightweight model that can be fit quickly.

  • Ability to control for nuisance factors.

The limitations of CellAssign include:

  • Requirement for a cell types by gene markers binary matrix.

  • The simple linear model may not handle non-linear batch effects.


CellAssign takes as input a scRNA-seq gene expression matrix \(X\) with \(N\) cells and \(G\) genes along with a cell-type marker matrix \(\rho\) which is a binary matrix of \(G\) genes by \(C\) cell types denoting if a gene is a marker of a particular cell type. A size factor \(s\) for each cell may also be provided as input, otherwise it is computed empirically as the total unique molecular identifier count of a cell. Additionally, a design matrix \(D\) containing \(p\) observed covariates, such as day, donor, etc, is an optional input.

Generative process#

CellAssign uses a negative binomial mixture model to make cell-type predictions. The cell-type proportion is drawn from a Dirichlet distribution,

\[ (\pi_1, ..., \pi_C) \sim \textrm{Dirichlet}(\alpha, ..., \alpha), \tag{1} \]

with \(\alpha = 0.01\).

CellAssign then posits that the observed gene expression counts \(x_{ng}\) for cell \(n\) and gene \(g\) are generated by the following process:

\begin{align} \delta_{gc} &\sim \textrm{LogNormal}(\bar{\delta}, \sigma^2) \tag{2} \\ \log \mu _{ngc} &= \log s_n + \delta _{gc}\rho _{gc}+ \beta _{g0}+ \sum_p{\beta _{gp}d_{pn}} \label{a} \tag{3}\\ \tilde \phi _{ngc} &= \sum_{i = 1}^B {a_i \times \exp ({ - b \times ( {\mu _{ngc} - v_i})^2})} \label{b} \tag{4}\\ z_n &\sim \textrm{Discrete}(\pi) \tag{5}\\ x_{ng} \mid z_n = c &\sim \textrm{NegativeBinomial}(\mu_{ngc}, \tilde \phi _{ngc}) \tag{6} \end{align}

Notably, the logarithm of the mean of the negative binomial for cell \(n\), gene \(g\), given that it belongs to cell type \(c\) (Equation \(\ref{a}\)) is computed as the sum of (1) the base expression of a gene \(g\), \(\beta_{g0}\), (2) a cell-type-specific overexpression term for a gene, \(\delta_{gc}\), (3) an offset for the size factor, \(\log s_n\), and (4) a linear combination of covariates in the design matrix (weighted by coefficients \(\beta_{gi}\)). A cell-specific discrete latent variable, \(z_n\), represents the cell-type assignment for cell \(n\).

Furthermore, the inverse dispersion of the negative binomial, \(\tilde{\phi}_{ngc}\) (Equation \(\ref{b}\)) is computed with a sum of radial basis functions of the mean centered on \(v_i\) with parameters \(a_i\) and \(b\). In total, there are \(B\) centers \(v_1, v_2, ..., v_{10}\) that are set a priori to be equally spaced between 0 and the maximum count value of \(X\). Additionally, as in the original implementation we used \(B=10\). The parameters \(a_i\) and \(b\) are further described below.


CellAssign uses expectation maximization (EM) to optimize its parameters and provides a cell-type prediction for each cell.


CellAssign initializes parameters as follows: \(\delta_{gc}\) is initialized with a \(\textrm{LogNormal}(0, 1)\) draw, \(\bar{\delta}\) is initialized to 0, \(\sigma^2\) is initialized to 1, \(\pi_i\) is initialized to \(1/C\), \(\beta_{gi}\) is initialized with a \(\mathcal{N}(0, 1)\) draw, and the inverse dispersion parameter \(\log a_i\) is initialized to 0. Additionally, \(b\) is fixed a priori to be

\[ b = \frac{1}{2(v_2 - v_1)^2}, \tag{7} \]

where \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) are the first and second center determined as stated previously.

E step#

The E step consists of computing the expected joint log likelihood with respect to the conditional posterior, \(p(z_n \mid x_n, \delta, \beta, a, \pi)\), for each cell. This conditional posterior is computed in closed form as

\[ \gamma_{nc} := p(z_n = c \mid x_n, \delta, \beta, a, \pi) \propto p(z_n = c \mid \pi)\prod_g p(x_{ng} \mid \mu_{ngc}, \tilde{\phi}_{ngc}), \tag{8} \]

which is normalized over all \(c\). The expected joint log likelihood over all \(N\) cells is then computed as

\begin{align} \begin{split} \mathbb{E}_{z \mid X,\pi,\delta, \beta, a}[\log p(X, \pi, \delta \mid \beta, a, \bar{\delta}, \sigma^2)] % &=\log p(\theta) + \log p(\delta) +\sum_n\sum_{c}\gamma_{nc}\log p(y_{n}|c)\\ &= \sum_{n=1}^{N}\sum_{c=1}^{C}\gamma_{nc}\sum_{g=1}^{G}\log p(x_{ng}|z_n = c) \\ & \qquad + \log p(\pi) + \log p(\delta). \end{split} \tag{9} \end{align}

Herein lies the major difference between the scvi-tools implementation and the original CellAssign implementation. Notably, in scvi-tools we compute this expected joint log likelihood using a mini-batch of 1,024 cells, using the fact that

\[ \sum_{n=1}^{N}\sum_{c=1}^{C}\gamma_{nc}\sum_{g=1}^{G}\log p(x_{ng}|z_n = c) \approx \frac{N}{M}\sum_{m=1}^M\sum_{c=1}^{C}\gamma_{nc}\sum_{g=1}^{G}\log p(x_{\tau(m)g}|z_n = c) \tag{10} \]

for a minibatch of \(M<N\) cells, where \(\tau\) is a function describing a permutation of the data indices \({1, 2, ..., N}\).

M step#

The parameters of the expected joint log likelihood (\(\pi, \delta, \beta, a, \bar{\delta}, \sigma^2\)) are optimized as in the original implementation [2], using the Adam optimizer [3], except that now an optimization step corresponds to data from one minibatch. Following the original implementation, we also clamped \(\delta > 2\). We also added early stopping with respect to the log likelihood of a held-out validation set.


Cell type prediction#

The primary task of CellAssign is to predict cell types for each cell. This is accomplished by:

>>> model = CellAssign(adata, marker_gene_matrix, size_factor_key='size_factor')
>>> model.train()
>>> predictions = model.predict(adata)

where predictions stores \(\gamma_{nc}\) for each cell \(n\) and cell type \(c\).

Implementation details#

The logic implementing CellAssign can be found in scvi.external.cellassign.CellAssignModule. The implementation uses the same variable names as the math.