AUTOZI [1] (Python class scvi.model.AUTOZI
is a model for assessing gene-specific levels of zero-inflation in scRNA-seq data.
Generative process#
AUTOZI is very similar to scVI but employs a spike-and-slab prior for the zero-inflation mixture assignment for each gene. Whether the zero-inflation rate (\(\pi_{ng}\) in the original scVI model) is sampled from a set of non-negligible values (the “slab” component) or the set of negligible values (the “spike” component) is defined by \(m_g \sim Bernoulli(\delta_g)\) where \(\delta_g \sim Beta(\alpha, \beta)\). Thus, for each gene \(g\), the zero-inflation rate is defined, \(\pi_{ng} = (1-m_g)\pi_{ng}^{slab} + m_g \pi_{ng}^{spike}\).
The full generative model is as follows:
Where \(w^g\) and \(h^g\) are neural networks taking in \(z_n\) and outputting the dropout rate and library size frequency respectively. The priors \(l_u\) and \(l_{\sigma^2}\) are the empircal mean and variance of the log library size per batch respectively. The priors for \(\delta_g\) are \(\alpha^g\) and \(\beta^g\) which by default are both set to 0.5 to enforce sparsity while maintaining symmetry. Finally, \(\delta_{\{x\}}\) denotes the Dirac distribution on \(x\).
Inference Procedure#
To learn the parameters, we employ variational inference (see Variational Inference) with the following approximate posterior distribution:
To classify whether a gene \(g\) is or is not zero inflated, we call:
>>> outputs = model.get_alpha_betas()
>>> alpha_posterior = outputs['alpha_posterior']
>>> beta_posterior = outputs['beta_posterior']
Then Bayesian decision theory suggests the posterior probability of of zero-inflation is \(q(\delta_g < 0.5)\).
>>> from scipy.stats import beta
>>> threshold = 0.5
>>> zi_probs = beta.cdf(0.5, alpha_posterior, beta_posterior)