MrVI [1] (Multi-resolution Variational Inference; Python class
) is a deep generative model designed for the analysis of large-scale
single-cell transcriptomics data with multi-sample, multi-batch experimental designs.
MrVI conducts both exploratory analyses (locally dividing samples into groups based on molecular properties) and comparative analyses (comparing pre-defined groups of samples in terms of differential expression and differential abundance) at single-cell resolution. It can capture nonlinear and cell-type specific variation of sample-level covariates on gene expression.
MrVI takes as input a scRNA-seq gene expression matrix \(X\) with \(N\) cells and \(G\) genes. Additionally, it requires specification, for each cell \(n\):
a sample-level target covariate \(s_n\), that typically corresponds to the sample ID, which defines which sample entities will be compared in exploratory and comparative analyses.
nuisance covariates \(b_n\) (e.g. sequencing run, processing day).
Optionally, MrVI can also take as input - Cell-type labels for guided integration across samples, via a mixture of Gaussians prior where each mixture component serves as the mode of a cell type. - Additional sample-level covariates of interest \(c_s\) for each sample \(s\) (e.g. disease status, age, treatment) for comparative analysis.
Generative process#
MrVI posits a two-level hierarchical model (Figure 1):
A cell-level latent variable \(u_n\) capturing cell state in a batch-corrected manner: \(u_n \sim \mathrm{MixtureOfGaussians}(\mu_1, ..., \mu_K, \Sigma_1, ..., \Sigma_K, \pi_1, ..., \pi_K)\)
A cell-level latent variable \(z_n\) capturing both cell state and effects of sample \(s_n\): \(z_n | u_n \sim \mathcal{N}(u_n, I_L)\)
The normalized gene expression levels \(h_n\) are generated from \(z_n\) as: \(h_n = \mathrm{softmax}(A_{zh} \times [z_n + g_\theta(z_n, b_n)] + \gamma_{zh})\)
Finally the gene expression counts are generated as: \(x_{ng} | h_{ng} \sim \mathrm{NegativeBinomial}(l_n h_{ng}, r_{ng})\)
Here \(l_n\) is the library size of cell \(n\), \(r_{ng}\) is the gene-specific inverse dispersion, \(A_{zh}\) is a linear matrix of dimension \(G \times L\), \(\gamma_{zh}\) is a bias vector of dimension \(G\), and \(\theta\) are neural network parameters. \(u_n\) captures broad cell states invariant to sample and batch, while \(z_n\) augments \(u_n\) with sample-specific effects while correcting for nuisance covariate effects. Gene expression is obtained from \(z_n\) using multi-head attention mechanisms to flexibly model batch and sample effects.
MrVI graphical model. Shaded nodes represent observed data, unshaded nodes represent latent variables.#
The latent variables, along with their description are summarized in the following table:
Latent variable |
Description |
Code variable (if different) |
\(u_n \in \mathbb{R}^L\) |
“sample-unaware” representation of a cell, invariant to both sample and nuisance covariates. |
\(z_n \in \mathbb{R}^L\) |
“sample-aware” representation of a cell, invariant to nuisance covariates. |
\(h_n \in \mathbb{R}^G\) |
Cell-specific normalized gene expression. |
\(l_n \in \mathbb{R}^+\) |
Cell size factor. |
\(r_{ng} \in \mathbb{R}^+\) |
Gene and cell-specific inverse dispersion. |
\(\mu_1, ..., \mu_K \in \mathbb{R}^L\) |
Mixture of Gaussians means for prior on $u_n$. |
\(\Sigma_1, ..., \Sigma_K \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times L}\) |
Mixture of Gaussians covariance matrices for prior on $u_n$. |
\(\pi_1, ..., \pi_K \in \mathbb{R}^+\) |
Mixture of Gaussians weights for prior on $u_n$. |
MrVI uses variational inference to approximate the posterior of \(u_n\) and \(z_n\). The variational distributions are:
\(q_{\phi}(u_n | x_n) := \mathcal{N}(\mu_{\phi}(x_n), \sigma^2_{\phi}(x_n)I)\)
\(z_n := u_n + f_{\phi}(u_n, s_n)\)
Here \(\mu_{\phi}, \sigma^2_{\phi}\) are encoder neural networks and \(f_{\phi}\) is a deterministic mapping based on multi-head attention between \(u_n\) and a learned embedding for sample \(s_n\).
Exploratory analysis#
MrVI enables unsupervised local sample stratification via the construction of cell-specific sample-sample distance matrices, for every cell \(n\):
For each cell state \(u_n\), compute counterfactual cell states \(z^{(s)}_n\) for all possible samples \(s\).
Compute cell-specific sample-sample distance matrices \(D^{(n)}\) based on the Euclidean distance between all pairs of \(z^{(s)}_n\).
Cluster cells based on their \(D^{(n)}\) to find cell populations with distinct sample stratifications.
Average \(D^{(n)}\) within each cell cluster and hierarchically cluster samples This automatically reveals distinct sample stratifications that are specific to particular cell subsets.
Comparative analysis#
MrVI also enables supervised comparative analysis to detect cell-type specific DE and DA between sample groups.
Differential expression#
At a high level, the DE procedure regresses, within each cell \(n\), counterfactual cell states \(z^{(s)}_n\) on sample-level covariates \(c_s\) of interest for analysis as \(z^{(s)}_n = \beta_n c_s + \beta_0 + \epsilon_n\). For instance, if \(c_s\) is a binary covariate, then \(\beta_n\) will capture the shift (in \(z\)-space) induced by samples for which \(c_s = 1\) compared to samples for which \(c_s = 0\). This procedure, repeated for all cells, allows several downstream analyses. First, comparing the norm of \(\beta_n\) (using \(\chi^2\) statistics) across cells can identify cell-states that vary the most for a given covariate, or conversely, identify sample covariates that strongly associate with specific cell states. Second, by decoding the linear approximation of \(z^{(s)}_n\) for different covariate vectors that we would like to compare, we can compute associated log fold-changes to identify DE genes at the cell level.
Differential abundance#
To compare two sets of samples, MrVI computes the log-ratio between the aggregated posteriors of the two groups, \(A_1 \subset [[1, S]]\) and \(A_2 \subset [[1, S]]\), where \(S\) is the total number of samples. In particular, the aggregated posterior for any sample \(s\) is defined as \(q_s := \frac{1}{|s|} \sum_{n, s_n=s} q^{u}_{n}\), where \(q_n\) is the posterior of cell \(n\) in \(u\)-space. This aggregated posterior \(q_s\) characterizes the distribution of all cells in sample \(s\). To characterize the distribution of cells in a group of samples \(A\), we can consider the mixture of aggregated posteriors \(q_s\) for all \(s \in A\), corresponding to \(q_A := \frac{1}{|A|} \sum_{s \in A} q_s\). In particular, cell states \(u\) that are abundant in a sample group \(A\) will have a high probability mass in \(q_A\), while rare states will have low probability mass. More generally, we can consider the log-ratio of aggregated posteriors between two groups of samples \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) as a measure of differential abundance: \(r = \log \frac{q_{A_1}}{q_{A_2}}\). We can evaluate these log-ratios for all cell states \(u\) to identify DA cell-state regions. In particular, large positive (resp. negative) values of \(r\) indicate that cell states are more abundant in \(A_1\) (resp. \(A_2\)).